Difference between revisions of "Portal:Patches to webOS"

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(patch idea moved from Patches portal to devel/tweak ideas)
(add patch portal)
(217 intermediate revisions by 41 users not shown)
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{{box | color = #fee | style = margin-bottom: 2em | 1 =
<div style='font-size: 1.3em'>'''This page is out of date. '''</div>
The community of people who create and edit patches have been forum based for a long time instead of being wiki-based and the maintenance of this page has fell behind at about webOS version 1.3. Since the Pre- is running 1.4.5 and later devices are running webOS 2.x and 3.x, the patches, and their operation and installation described on these pages are no longer accurate. 
Additionally, with the introduction of webOS 2 and 3, many of the things which were patchable in 1.x became hard coded in binary files, and those patches became impossible to produce. Other patches became moot as their functionality was subsumed into the operating system.
== Discussions on patches and patch development==
To obtain information on the current state of the world of patches for webOS, please visit the official patch forums at [http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/ http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/].
== Listings of Patches which are available by OS version and subject==
To browse available patches, sorted by OS Version and their application and suitability, visit the '''Official Patch Portal''' at [http://patches.webos-internals.org/ http://patches.webos-internals.org/]. 
It is as yet undetermined if this page will be held as a historical document of the condition of the system in 2010, or updated. Until then, regard all this information as unreliable.
|This page lists patches to webOS existing apps which modify the behavior as shipped.  '''Note''' that these patches may be version specific and may be broken by future webOS updates.  Proceed with caution. If you get one that works please move it under the correct column and section.
|If you need info on how to properly update webOS, see [[Portal:Updating webOS Versions|Updating webOS Versions]].
This page is undergoing structuring please contribute moving or adding new entries under the appropriate headings. For now put pages in alphabetical order. Each page should contain at least the basic headings
'''A more updated list of patches, descriptions, and discussion links is here: [http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/206807-official-patch-discussion.html Official Patch Discussion]'''
This page lists patches to webOS existing apps which modify the behavior as shipped.  '''Note''' that these patches may be version specific and may be broken by future webOS updates.  Proceed with caution. If you get one that works please move it under the correct column, alphabetically, and title the page:
'''"Patch [application] [description]"''' (for application specific patches) <br>
'''"Patch webOS [description]"''' (for patches not part of a specific application)<br>
Each page should contain at least the basic headings
*1. '''Introduction''': A brief description to introduce people to the patch.
*1. '''Introduction''': A brief description to introduce people to the patch.
**1.1 '''Usage''':An explanation if it is needed on how to use the modification see Add/Delete Pages in the Launcher as an example.
**1.1 '''Usage''':An explanation if it is needed on how to use the modification see Add/Delete Pages in the Launcher as an example.
*2. '''Editing Process''': Step by step instructions to manually edit.  
*2. '''Editing Process''': Step by step instructions to manually edit.  
*3. '''Patching Process''': Details for making the edits with a patch file and pointing people to the [[Applying Patches]] page if the patch is also provided in the webos-internals gitorious repository.
*3. '''Patching Process''': Details for making the edits with a patch file and pointing people to the [[Applying Patches]] page if the patch is also provided in the webos-internals gitorious repository.
For patches that aren't listed here you'll also want to check out the gitorious repository at http://gitorious.org/webos-internals/modifications/trees/master
Please refer to '''[[MIT_Open_Source_License_-_webOS-Patches| MIT Open Source License - webOS-Patches]]''' for important information regarding patches and licensing.
===webOS Update Information===
===webOS Update Information===
* [[Update 1.3.5|Update 1.3.5]]
* [[Update 1.3.1|Update 1.3.1]]
* [[Update 1.2.1|Update 1.2.1]]
* [[Update 1.2.0|Update 1.2]]
* [[Update 1.1.0|Update 1.1]]
* [[Update 1.1.0|Update 1.1]]
* [[Update 1.0.4|Update 1.0.4]]  
* [[Update 1.0.4|Update 1.0.4]]  
Line 22: Line 54:
===Patch Ideas to be Created or in Progress===
===Patch Ideas to be Created or in Progress===
* [[More_Calculator_Functions|Accessing additional built-in calculator functions]]
* [[Add_Ability_To_Choose_Snooze_Length|Add Ability to Choose Snooze Length]]
* [[Add_Ability_To_Choose_Snooze_Length|Add Ability to Choose Snooze Length]]
* [[Changing_clipboard_data_from_the_shell|Changing Clipboard Data from the Shell]]
* [[Add_Icon_To_Quick_Launcher|Add an icon to the quick launcher]]
* [[Changing Clipboard Data From The Shell|Changing Clipboard Data from the Shell]]
* [[Development_%26_Tweak_Ideas | Development & Tweaking Ideas]]
* [[Development_%26_Tweak_Ideas | Development & Tweaking Ideas]]
* [[Longer Vibrate|Longer Vibrate]]
* [[Longer Vibrate|Longer Vibrate]]
* Text Search feature in browser (analogous to Ctrl+F in Windows)
* [[Assign_SMS_Tone_Directly_To_Contact|Assign SMS Tone Directly To Contact]]
Line 35: Line 72:
==Patches to webOS apps==
==Current Patches==
===webOS 1.1 OK===
===webOS 1.3.1 OK===
* [[Patch Calendar Notification Repeat|Calendar: Notification Repeat]]
* [[Always_Show_Details_of_New_Tasks|Always Show Details of New Tasks]]
* [[Patch Calendar Snooze Duration Selection|Calendar: Snooze Duration Selection]]
* [[Patch Browser Global Search Addons|Browser: Global Search Addons]]
* [[Patch Clock Add space between Snooze and Dismiss buttons|Clock: Add space between Snooze and Dismiss buttons]]
* [[Bookmarking_MediaPlayer|Bookmarking MediaPlayer]]
* ++[[Patch Contacts Send All via Email|Contacts: Send All via Email]]
* [[Boot_Themes|Boot Themes]]
* ++[[Patch Enable LED Notifications|Enable LED Notifications]]
* [[Camera Mod Shutter Sound On-Off Button]]
* ++[[Patch_Email_Change_Default_Font_for_Replies-Forwards_from_Navy_to_Black|Email: Change default font on replies/forwards from dark blue to black]]
* [[Confirm Deletion on Email|Confirm Deletion on Email]]
* [[Patch Email DeleteAll|Email: Delete All Read All]]
* [[Edit Dialer Theme|Edit Dialer Theme]]
* [[Patch Email DeleteFromNotificationBar|Email: Delete from notification bar]]
* [[Patch Email Notification Repeat|Email: Notification Repeat]]
* [[Patch Change Carrier String|Change Carrier String]]
* [[Patch Launcher Wrap Pages|Launcher: Wrap Pages]]
* [[Patch Launcher Reset Scroll on Page Change|Launcher: Reset Scroll on Page Change]]
* [[Patch Launcher Reset to First Page|Launcher: Reset to First Page]]
* [[Patch Launcher Reset to Middle Page|Launcher: Reset to Middle Page]]
* [[Patch Messaging Notification Repeat|Messaging: Notification Repeat]]
* [[Patch Phone Notification Repeat|Phone: Notification Repeat]]
* [[Patch webOS Browser: Show All Bookmarks (Not just first 12)]]
* [[Patch webOS Roam Control|Roam Control]]
* [[Patch webOS BypassPINLock]]
===webOS 1.2.1 OK===
* ++[[Patch Browser Global Search Addons|Browser: Global Search Addons]]
* [[Patch Browser Delete Individual History Items|Browser: Delete Individual History Items]]
* [[Patch Calendar Notification Repeat|Calendar: Notification Repeat]]
* [[Patch Calendar Snooze Duration Selection|Calendar: Snooze Duration Selection]]
* [[Patch Clock Add space between Snooze and Dismiss buttons|Clock: Add space between Snooze and Dismiss buttons]]
* [[Patch Clock Enabling the Hidden Theme|Clock: Enabling the Hidden Theme]]
* ++[[Patch Clock Change Alarm Button Order|Clock: Change Alarm Button Order]]
* ++[[Patch Clock Change Alarm Snooze Length|Clock: Change Alarm Snooze Length]]
* [[Patch Camera Easy Shutter Sound Off|Camera: Easy Shutter Sound Off]] - Called: Sound Toggle - Green (and Grey)
** also [[Patch Camera Shutter Sound On-Off Button|Camera: Shutter Sound On-Off Button]]
** also [[Camera Mod Alternate Sound Disable]]
* [[Patch Camera Using Volume Buttons to Take a Picture|Camera: Using Volume Buttons to Take a Picture]]
* [[Patch Email Confirm Deletion|Email: Confirm Deletion]]
* [[Patch Email Change Default Font for Replies-Forwards from Navy to Black|Email: Change Default Font for Replies/Forwards from Navy to Black]]
* [[Patch Email Change Default Font for Replies-Forwards from Navy to Black|Email: Change Default Font for Replies/Forwards from Navy to Black]]
* [[GPS Tracking|GPS Tracking]]
* [[Patch Email DeleteAll|Email: Delete All Read All]]
* [[Patch Email DeleteFromNotificationBar|Email: Delete from notification bar]]
* [[Patch Email Enable Landscape Viewing|Email: Enable Landscape Viewing]]
* [[Patch Email Notification Repeat|Email: Notification Repeat]]
* [[Patch Launcher Add or Delete Pages|Launcher: Add/Delete Pages]]
* [[Patch Launcher Add or Delete Pages|Launcher: Add/Delete Pages]]
* [[Patch Launcher Hide-Delete The NASCAR App|Launcher: Hide/Delete The NASCAR App]]
* [[Patch Launcher Hide-Delete The NASCAR App|Launcher: Hide/Delete The NASCAR App]]
* ++[[Patch Launcher Hide Media Sync Option|Launcher: Hide Media Sync Option]]
* [[Patch Launcher Unhide the DeveloperMode App|Launcher: Unhide the DeveloperMode App]]
* [[Patch Launcher Unhide the DeveloperMode App|Launcher: Unhide the DeveloperMode App]]
* [[Patch Launcher To Allow More Icons Per Row|Launcher: Allows More Icons Per Row]]
* [[Patch Launcher Wrap Pages|Launcher: Wrap Pages]]
* [[Myavatar In Messaging App|Messaging: Avatar In Messaging App]]
* [[Patch Messaging Character Counter|Messaging: Character Counter]]
* [[Patch Messaging Character Counter|Messaging: Character Counter]]
* [[Patch Messaging Display Full Status Messages|Messaging: Display Full Status Messages]]
* [[Patch Messaging Change "Enter Key" To Create Newline|Messaging: Change "Enter Key" To Create Newline]]
* [[Patch Messaging Force Offline Send Without Dialog|Messaging: Force Offline Send Without Dialog]]
* [[Patch Messaging Forward Messages|Messaging: Forward Messages]]
* [[Patch Messaging Forward Messages|Messaging: Forward Messages]]
* [[Patch Messaging Jump Forward, Backward One Word at a Time|Messaging: Jump Forward, Backward One Word at a Time]]
* [[Patch Messaging Landscape Orientation|Messaging: Landscape Orientation]]
* [[Patch Messaging New Cards For Each Conversation|Messaging: New Cards For Each Conversation]]
* [[Patch Messaging New Cards For Each Conversation|Messaging: New Cards For Each Conversation]]
* [[Using Volume Buttons to Take a Picture|Using Volume Buttons to Take a Picture]]
* [[Patch Messaging Adding Timestamps to All Received Messages|Messaging: Adding Timestamps to All Received Messages]] - Three Options: Builtin, Clean, and Fancy
* [[Patch Messaging Notification Repeat|Messaging: Notification Repeat]]
* [[Patch Messaging Sounds|Messaging: Message Sound]] - Called SMS Tone Per Contact
* ++[[Patch MediaPlayer Ignore 'A', 'An', and 'The' In Artist and Album names|Music Player: Ignore 'A', 'An', and 'The' in Artist and Album Names]]
* [[Patch PDF Viewer Change Orientation|PDF Viewer: Change Orientation]]
* [[Patch Phone Show Call Duration in the Call Log|Phone: Show Call Duration in the Call Log]]
* [[Patch Phone Disable Various Call Sounds|Phone: Disable Various Call Sounds]]
* [[Patch Phone Notification Repeat|Phone: Notification Repeat]]
* [[Patch Tasks Always Show Details of New Tasks|Tasks: Always Show Details of New Tasks]]
* ++[[Patch Youtube Landscape Orientation|Youtube: Landscape Orientation]]
===webOS Patches===
* [[Patch Enable LED Notifications|Enable LED Notifications]]
* [[On Screen Keyboard]]
* [[Patch webOS Brightness|Brightness]]
* [[Change_the_default_notification.wav_Sound|Change the Default notification.wav Sound]] - use SMS Tone Per Contact
** Also [[Changes_Alert/Notification_Sounds|Changes Alert/Notification Sounds]]
* [[Patch webOS Changing the "Turn off after X" time|Changing the "Turn off after X" Time]]
* [[Patch webOS Disable Charging Event Sounds|Disable Charging Event Sounds]]
* [[Patch webOS Workaround for Touchstone Charging Event Problem|Workaround for Touchstone Charging Event Problem]]
* [[Patch webOS Add Words to AutoCorrect Dictionary|Modify AutoCorrect Dictionary]]
* [[Patch webOS Radio Power Switch|Radio Power Switch]]
* [[Patch webOS Roam Control|Roam Control]]
* [[Patch webOS Show Actual Battery Percentage | Show Actual Battery Percentage]]
* [[Patch webOS Turning Off Dialpad Noise|Turning Off Dialpad Noise]]
* [[Uber Calendar]] - Enhance calendar views and add week number
==Previous Patches==
===webOS 1.2 OK===
++ Indicates needs to be added to the git repository. Please help add them and remove the notation when added.
* ++[[Patch Phone Edit Dialer Theme|Phone: Edit Dialer Theme]]
* [[Patch MediaPlayer Bookmarking|Music Player: Bookmarking]] only works in 1.2.1 podcast, speech, spoken word, netcast, or audiobook genres
===Fixed in 1.2 - No longer needed===
* [[Patch Amazon Download Music over EVDO|Amazon: Download Music over EVDO]]
* [[Patch Browser Downloading Files|Browser: Downloading Files]]
===webOS 1.1 OK===
* [[Patch Calendar Show All-Day Events in Month View|Calendar: Show All-Day Events in Month View]]
* ++[[Patch Camera 10 Second Countdown Timer|Camera: 10 Second Countdown Timer]]
* ++[[Patch Email Change "Running Late" Message|Email: Change "Running Late" Message]]
* ++[[Patch MCraig Enabling Personals Category|mCraig: Enabling Personals Category]]
* ++[[Patch Phone Editing the Lock Screen|Phone: Editing the Lock Screen]]
* ++[[Patch WebOS Bypassing Lock Screen|Unlock: Bypass the Passcode Entry Screen]]
===Fixed in 1.1 - No longer needed===
===Fixed in 1.1 - No longer needed===
Line 59: Line 178:
===Not 1.1 compatible===
===Not 1.1 compatible===
* [[Camera_Remote_View|Camera Remote View]]
* [[Patch Camera Remote View|Camera: Remote View]]
* [[Downloading From The Browser|Downloading From The Browser]]
* [[Patch Email Fix Attachments|Email: Fix Attachments]]
* [[Enable Landscape Viewing in Email|Enable Landscape Viewing in Email]]  
* [[Patch Sudoku Disable Zooming|Sudoku: Disable Zooming]]
* [[Fix Email Attachments|Fix Email Attachments]]  
==Patches not part of a specific app==
===webOS 1.1 OK===
===webOS 1.1 OK===
* [[Brightness]]
++ Indicates needs to be added to the git repository. Please help add them and remove the notation when added.
* [[Bypassing_Activation|Bypassing Activation]]
* ++[[Patch webOS Boot Themes|Boot Themes]]
* [[Change_Carrier_String|Change Carrier String]]
* ++[[Patch webOS Bypassing Activation|Bypassing Activation]]
* [[Changing_the_%22Turn_off_after_X%22_time|Changing the "Turn off after X" Time]]
* ++[[Patch webOS CPU Frequency or Voltage Scaling|CPU Frequency or Voltage Scaling]]
* [[CPU Frequency or Voltage Scaling|CPU Frequency or Voltage Scaling]]
* ++[[Patch webOS GPS Tracking|GPS Tracking]]
* [[Disable Charging Event Alerts Sounds|Disable Charging Event Alerts Sounds]]
* ++[[Patch webOS Graphics|Graphics]]
* [[Graphics]]
* ++[[Patch webOS Hourly Chime|Hourly Chime]]  
* [[Logging information from within scripts|Logging information from within scripts]]
* ++[[Patch webOS Keep Phone Awake While in Remote Session|Keep Phone Awake While in Remote Session]]
* [[Message Sound|Message Sound]]
* [[Patch webOS Logging Information from Within Scripts|Logging Information from Within Scripts]]
* [[Modifying a Stock App While Keeping the Original|Modifying a Stock App While Keeping the Original]]  
* [[Patch webOS Modifying a Stock App While Keeping the Original|Modifying a Stock App While Keeping the Original]]  
* [[Add_Words_to_AutoCorrect_Dictionary|Modify AutoCorrect Dictionary]]
* ++[[Patch webOS Random Wallpaper Switching|Random Wallpaper Switching]]
* [[Radio_Power_Switch|Phone On/Off Switch]]
* [[Patch webOS Reverse Tunnel|Reverse Tunnel]]  
* [[Random Wallpaper Switching|Random Wallpaper Switching]]
* [[Screenlock On When Connected|Stay On While Connected]]
* [[Reverse Tunnel|Reverse Tunnel]]  
* [[Make USB Partition Writable via SFTP|Make USB Partition writable via SFTP]]
* [[Roam Control|Roam Control]]
* [[Show_Actual_Battery_Percent | Show Actual Battery Percentage]]
===Fixed in 1.1 - No longer needed===
===Fixed in 1.1 - No longer needed===
Line 88: Line 202:
===Not 1.1 compatible===
===Not 1.1 compatible===
* [[Email App Patch to Prompt for IPK Installation|Email App Patch to Prompt for IPK Installation]]  
* [[Patch webOS Email App Patch to Prompt for IPK Installation|Email App Patch to Prompt for IPK Installation]]  
==== The following have not been checked for compatibility with webOS 1.1. ====
==== The following have not been checked for compatibility with webOS 1.1. ====
* [[Browser_Plugins|Browser Plugins]]
* [[Photos Slideshow|Photos Slideshow]]
==== The following are deprecated.  They have been replaced with methods which are easier or are moot in 1.1 ====
* [[Adding Timestamps to All Received Messages]]
* [[Changing the Dialer Background Image|Changing the Dialer Background Image]]
* [[Browser_Plugins|Browser Plugins]]
* [[Camera Mod 10 Second Countdown Timer]]
* [[Camera Mod Alternate Sound Disable]]
* [[Change_Enter_To_Create_Newline_Instead_of_Send_Message|Change Enter to Create Newline Instead of Send Message]]
* [[Change_the_default_notification.wav_Sound|Change the Default notification.wav Sound]]
* [[Changes_Alert/Notification_Sounds|Changes Alert/Notification Sounds]]
* [[Changing Alarm Clock Button Order and Snooze Duration]]
* [[Patch Clock Enabling the Hidden Theme|Clock: Enabling the Hidden Theme]]
* [[Download Amazon Music over EVDO]]
* [[Display_Full_Status_Messages(Messenger)|Display Full Status Messages(Messenger)]]
* [[Hourly Chime|Hourly Chime]]
* [[Ignore 'A', 'An', and 'The' In Artist and Album names|Ignore 'A', 'An', and 'The' In Artist and Album names]]
* [[Installing Homebrew Apps With A Rooted Pre|Installing Homebrew Apps With A Linux Accessed Pre]]   
* [[Installing Homebrew Apps With A Rooted Pre|Installing Homebrew Apps With A Linux Accessed Pre]]   
* [[Keep Phone From Entering Standby While in Remote Session]]
* [[Packaging Homebrew Apps for Stock Pre without Rooting|Packaging Homebrew Apps for Stock Pre without Accessing Linux]]  
* [[Patch MCraig Enabling Personals Category|mCraig: Enabling Personals Category]]
* [[Messaging Mod Force Offline Send Without Dialog]]
* [[Modifying Stock Applications|Modifying Stock Applications]]  
* [[Modifying Stock Applications|Modifying Stock Applications]]  
* [[My notification|My notification]]
* [[Packaging Homebrew Apps for Stock Pre without Rooting|Packaging Homebrew Apps for Stock Pre without Accessing Linux]]
* [[Myavatar In Messaging App|Myavatar In Messaging App]]
* [[Patch PDF Viewer|PDF Viewer]]
* [[Photos Slideshow|Photos Slideshow]]
* [[Screenlock On When Connected|Stay On While Connected]]
* [[Show allday events in calendar month view]]
* [[Show Call Duration in the Call Log]]
* [[Patch Sudoku Disable Zooming|Sudoku: Disable Zooming]]
* [[Turn Off Missed Call Sound|Turn Off Missed Call Sound]]
* [[Turning Off Dialpad Noise]]

Latest revision as of 23:48, 22 August 2011

This page is out of date.

The community of people who create and edit patches have been forum based for a long time instead of being wiki-based and the maintenance of this page has fell behind at about webOS version 1.3. Since the Pre- is running 1.4.5 and later devices are running webOS 2.x and 3.x, the patches, and their operation and installation described on these pages are no longer accurate.

Additionally, with the introduction of webOS 2 and 3, many of the things which were patchable in 1.x became hard coded in binary files, and those patches became impossible to produce. Other patches became moot as their functionality was subsumed into the operating system.

Discussions on patches and patch development

To obtain information on the current state of the world of patches for webOS, please visit the official patch forums at http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/.

Listings of Patches which are available by OS version and subject

To browse available patches, sorted by OS Version and their application and suitability, visit the Official Patch Portal at http://patches.webos-internals.org/.

It is as yet undetermined if this page will be held as a historical document of the condition of the system in 2010, or updated. Until then, regard all this information as unreliable.

If you need info on how to properly update webOS, see Updating webOS Versions.


A more updated list of patches, descriptions, and discussion links is here: Official Patch Discussion

This page lists patches to webOS existing apps which modify the behavior as shipped. Note that these patches may be version specific and may be broken by future webOS updates. Proceed with caution. If you get one that works please move it under the correct column, alphabetically, and title the page: "Patch [application] [description]" (for application specific patches)
"Patch webOS [description]" (for patches not part of a specific application)

Each page should contain at least the basic headings

  • 1. Introduction: A brief description to introduce people to the patch.
    • 1.1 Usage:An explanation if it is needed on how to use the modification see Add/Delete Pages in the Launcher as an example.
  • 2. Editing Process: Step by step instructions to manually edit.
  • 3. Patching Process: Details for making the edits with a patch file and pointing people to the Applying Patches page if the patch is also provided in the webos-internals gitorious repository.

For patches that aren't listed here you'll also want to check out the gitorious repository at http://gitorious.org/webos-internals/modifications/trees/master

Please refer to MIT Open Source License - webOS-Patches for important information regarding patches and licensing.

webOS Update Information

Patches that Need Work

Patch Ideas to be Created or in Progress


These modifications lack a patch process, please add one to the details to the page and have it added to the webOS-internals gitorious repository. Info for the repository is on Applying Patches.

  • Empty

Current Patches

webOS 1.3.1 OK

webOS 1.2.1 OK

webOS Patches

Previous Patches

webOS 1.2 OK

++ Indicates needs to be added to the git repository. Please help add them and remove the notation when added.

Fixed in 1.2 - No longer needed

webOS 1.1 OK

Fixed in 1.1 - No longer needed

Not 1.1 compatible

webOS 1.1 OK

++ Indicates needs to be added to the git repository. Please help add them and remove the notation when added.

Fixed in 1.1 - No longer needed

  • Empty

Not 1.1 compatible

The following have not been checked for compatibility with webOS 1.1.

The following are deprecated. They have been replaced with methods which are easier or are moot in 1.1