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You can tell how many seconds your CPU has run in each state, and the date of manufacture and the factory shipping date by running this command.

Create a file that does this for you.


Cut/paste the below into your home directory, chmod it to 755 and then run it using ./cpu

Output looks like:

------------------- cpu stats -------------
 600000 46079
 550000 1333
 500000 963
 250000 15779
 125000 236207
 Linux castle 2.6.24-palm-joplin-3430 #1 175.1.15 armv7l unknown
 Date of factory test:
 Jun 3 08:59 mftcamera_20090603_205906.jpg


  • Use cd to change to your homedir
  • Mark your system as read-write sudo mount -o remount,rw /
  • use vi to edit file named cpu (it will create a new file)
  • Press i for Insert
  • Drop the below code into it (right-click in Putty does Paste.)
  • Save (ESCape + wq! + enter)

Finally chmod the file to 755 (makes you able to execute the file.)

chmod 755 cpu

and execute it - note the leading period (.) character

./cpu            (enter)

Don't forget to mark your system back as read-only sudo mount -o remount,ro /


Here is the code for you to cut/paste:

echo ------------------- cpu stats -------------
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state
uname -a
echo Date of factory test:
ls -lh /var/log/hwtest/ted/pics | awk '{print $6,$7,$8,$9,$10}'

Result discussion:

  • Will show you the number of milliseconds running at each frequency, as well as Linux version and date of factory test (which is just about the last step in the manufacturing process before shipping.)
  • It does this partly by displaying the camera picture date taken at the factory during final testing
  • This came up because some were having good luck with CPU speed modification and some weren't. We think it depends on factory shipping date. The earlier ones had trouble perhaps.

Enjoy, --- FreeTim ---

See also: processor the /processor page, set your CPU to idle down when not-busy - save battery life