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Using Optware

For most users, Preware is the preferred method of installing apps.

Preware has several of the most popular and useful Optware packages available in the Optware feed. If the Optware package you're looking for is available in Preware, just use Preware to install it and ignore the following instructions.

"Raw" Optware packages vs. mobi.optware.* packages

As mentioned previously, Preware's Optware feed includes a selection of popular packages. These package file names follow the pattern mobi.optware.*. All packages installed by Preware (including the mobi.optware.* packages) are managed in the command line using the ipkg command (with a mandatory -o /media/cryptofs/apps option).

There are over one thousand nslu2-linux.org raw Optware packages that are not available in Preware's Optware feed. We will refer to these as raw Optware packages (or "the nslu2-linux.org Optware packages"). One other important distinction is that raw Optware packages are managed using the ipkg-opt command.

Let's re-state the advice that if there is a mobi.optware.* version of the package, you should use Preware to install it.

Installing ipkg-out for access to raw Optware packages

  • !!!!This is for advanced command line users only!!!!

Use Preware to install both the "Optware Bootstrap" and the "Optware Advanced Linux Command Line Installer"

These instructions also assume you have command-line access to your Pre/Touchpad. Instructions for getting this access can be found at Access via SSH and Access via Novaterm.

Managing "raw" nslu2-linux.org Optware packages

These commands should be typed from a shell. Make sure you use ipkg-opt and not ipkg.

  • Download/Update the package list from nslu2-linux.org.
 ipkg-opt update
  • Upgrade [-test will show what would be done] all installed packages
 ipkg-opt [-test] upgrade
  • To get a list of all packages
 ipkg-opt list
  • To get a list of installed packages
 ipkg-opt list_installed
  • Here is an example of the command used to install the Python 2.5 interpreter
 ipkg-opt install python25
  • To remove a package
 ipkg-opt remove python25
  • To search for a package. (ipkg-opt search seems not to work well?)
 ipkg-opt list | grep python25