DFBTerm DirectFB Terminal Emulator
This allows you to run a real terminal emulator on the palm pre locally. The disadvantage is that you need to stop the phone GUI first, and do a bit of setup.
These are rough notes; I plan to make this much prettier over the weekend, but of course wouldn't object if someone beats me to it.
Install and Run
1. Set up a debian testing chroot environment, and then chroot into it. You can use the debian stable chroot environment as a base, and then just upgrade to testing. 2. Set up directfb in the chroot. Be sure to include the "no-linux-input-grab" line in your "/etc/directfbrc" file. 3. Install build-essential, build-deps for directfb, and pkg-config 4. Compile lite - http://www.directfb.org/index.php?path=Platform%2FLiTE - and then dfbterm - http://www.directfb.org/index.php?path=Projects%2FDFBTerm - from CVS sources. Alternatively, grab .debs from http://dclark.us/palm-pre/dbfterm/ 5, In addition to the mounts listed in debian, you will also need to:
mount -t devpts none /media/cf/dev/pts
6. Stop the Palm GUI
/sbin/initctl stop LunaSysMgr
7. Run dfbterm
dfbterm --size=50x30
or without modifying "/etc/directfbrc":
dfbterm --size=50x30 --dfb:no-linux-input-grab
Here is a screenshot that also describes some of the work left to do:
Keyboard remapping
- Need at least a ctrl key for this to be generally useful.
- See notes in screenshot.
- loadkeys and dumpkeys: http://www.developertutorials.com/tutorials/linux/loadkeys-dumpkeys-050518/page1.html
> > Unicode, there's no need to recode. You could do me a favor and > > install the DirectFB-examples package and check if your keyboard is > > correctly handled by df_input. This little test application should > > show raw keyboard codes as well as the symbol associated by the kernel > > keymap.
- Actually want to use the below command so display isn't continually updated by the acceleramator changes (/dev/input/event2 is the keyboard only).
df_input --dfb:linux-input-devices=/dev/input/event2
- How to do sticky modifier keys: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Accessibility/doc/Guide/Mobility
event1 (keypad1) - non-keyboard keys
df_input --dfb:linux-input-devices=/dev/input/event1
Shows that:
- volume up button = volume_up 115
- volume down button = volume_down 114
- power button = end 107
- silver button = (not detected, but hexdump shows it is on /dev/input/event1)
- vibrate/ring switch = (not detected, but hexdump shows it is on /dev/input/event1)
Note that if you don't tell directfb "linux-input-devices=/dev/input/event1" it won't use this keypad. Adding this line to "/etc/directfbrc" seems to make things just work (and you don't seem to need to explicitly include event2 as well, but it couldn't hurt)
event2 (keypad0) - keyboard keys
Make use of the touchscreen
- Make gestures do something useful.
- See more research into mouse stuff on vala-terminal page.
Virtual Keyboard-Video-Monitor (KVM) Switch
It would be great to be able to run DirectFB applications and LunaSysMgr at the same time, and switch between them. I haven't found a way of doing this yet, but here are the possibilities I've found so far:
- Per-process namespaces ( http://glandium.org/blog/?p=217 ) - I'm looking for a way of doing a sort of in-computer keybaord-video-monitor switch - have 2 applications that expect sole control of /dev/fb0 and /dev/input/* devices, want to be able to switch between them (with the background one just getting no i/o). This might be possible by giving each application a different /dev/fb0 and set of /dev/input/* devices, and then somehow hooking and unhooking those from the "real" devices (maybe with just like "cat").
- v9fb - http://doc.cat-v.org/plan_9/IWP9/2008/v9fb.pdf (but can't find source code)
- Xen Virtual Framebuffer - http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/VirtualFramebuffer (see also http://sourceforge.net/projects/embeddedxen/ - Xen for ARM)
- Port LunaSysMgr to use DirectFB and use DirectFB's support for running multiple applications (eg fusion, SaWMan)
- http://code.google.com/p/android-vnc/ ? (not sure but looks like this might redirect display to vnc; could then access it using directvnc-rev or simular)
Prereq to most of these would be rebuilding linux from source, which is here: http://opensource.palm.com/packages.html
Daniel Clark <dclark@pobox.com> - djbclark in #webos-internals on freenode IRC.