WebOS Internals PDK
Palm's binary sdk the "Plugin Developer Kit" will not be available until March 2010.
In the mean time, WebOS Internals has released a full "WIDK" (WebOS Internals Development Kit) for you using Scratchbox2.
We strongly urge the community to standardize on this WIDK until Palm releases theirs. We believe that it uses the same underlying technologies, and that it will give you both a means to port games now, and a head-start to development against the official Palm PDK in the future.
Scratchbox 2 is a cross-compilation engine, it can be used to create a highly flexible SDK.
As installed below, the install process uses a script which extracts the required Palm provided files from a copy of webos doctor, and downloads from other sources, and builds a complete compilation environment automatically which can compile SDL and openGLES apps for webOS.
SB2 itself is totally distribution neutral but the webOS cross-compile environment is designed and tested on Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit. (At least one user in #webos-internals reports complete success running the cross compile environment in Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit after installing curl via apt-get.) See WebOS_Internals_PDK_on_Mandriva if you want to run it on Mandriva and are willing to support that yourself and not ask WebOS Internals any questions about it. Otherwise, use the recommended OS.
The webOS Internals team strongly suggest apt-get install into that environment only for this purpose. The same installation of Sun Virtualbox which hosts the Palm SDK emulator can host an Ubuntu 9.10 server with very little effort.
SB2 Homepage
Scratchbox 2 is distributed under LGPL version 2.1, portions are under GPL version 2. Some minor stuff is under MIT style license.
Installation on Ubuntu for WebOS PDK cross compiling
VirtualBox tips for Windows users
If you are running your Ubuntu server in a VirtualBox client on a Windows desktop host, there are a few tricks you should know. If you run the various commands below from the ubuntu console in VirtualBox, you can not cut and paste into and out of the console. It is to your benefit then, to use PUTTY to control the VirtualBox console instead of running in it directly. To reach your VirtualBox Ubuntu with Putty, you will need to do some set up steps.
Now, restart your ubuntu server and log into it from the regular console. At prompt after logging in, type ifconfig eth0 . The server will reply with the ip address of the virtualbox server. Now, go to putty, and create a new login to your ubuntu server with that IP address, type ssh port 22. Now, you can log into your server, and cut and paste commands and output, you can scroll back and see things that have scrolled off the screen etc. etc. This is strongly advised. |
Your Ubuntu installation will need the following installed. If you do not have them, run the command after the package name. You can test if they are found by just typing the command name. If it says command not found, you need to install it.
git | sudo apt-get install git-core |
gcc | sudo apt-get install build-essential |
curl | sudo apt-get install curl |
unzip | sudo apt-get install unzip |
autoconf | sudo apt-get install autoconf |
subversion | sudo apt-get install subversion |
libtool | sudo apt-get install libtool |
wget | sudo apt-get install wget |
pkg-config | sudo apt-get install pkg-config |
gettext | sudo apt-get install gettext |
fakeroot | sudo apt-get install fakeroot |
javac | sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk |
ant | sudo apt-get install ant |
xsltproc | sudo apt-get install xsltproc |
intltool' | sudo apt-get install intltool |
- it has been reported that sun-java6-jdk isn't necessary ***
If you're uncertain at all, just cut and paste the following. If they are already installed, they'll be skipped.
sudo apt-get install git-core build-essential curl unzip autoconf subversion libtool wget pkg-config gettext fakeroot sun-java6-jdk ant xsltproc intltool
Note: The make toolchain command and later steps will download approximately a half-gig of tools and sources from various locations. Do not start this if you do not have time for a large download. Additionally, if you already have downloaded a copy of the correct version of the WebOS doctor, you can reduce the download time by copying the doctor file into cross-compile/doctors/ with the correct name. This will cause the appropriate command to skip that download. Note that codesourcery rate limts downloads and at a minimum this process will take 10 to 15 minutes irrespective of your connection speed.
Start setup
Create a preware folder, copy the cross-compile tools into it (if you have not installed git, apt-get install git-core), and use a make script to begin the set up of the compilation toolchain.
sudo mkdir -p /srv/preware cd /srv/preware sudo chmod 777 . git clone git://git.webos-internals.org/preware/cross-compile.git cd cross-compile make toolchain
Fix mmap errors
The following commands appear redundant. They are not. The install this fixes your mmap config to fix an mmap: permission denied error, but we don't need the package itself.
sudo apt-get install qemu-arm-static sudo apt-get remove qemu-arm-static
- OR As a workaround, if this package is not available,
- the following commands can be executed in a root shell (sudo -s) to fix the mmap configuration to enable qemu-arm to work.
echo "vm.mmap_min_addr = 4096" > /etc/sysctl.d/mmap_min_addr.conf /etc/init.d/procps restart
(note that the value should not be "0". 4096 is chosen to avoid null pointer attacks.)
Setup Scratchbox
Now, use apt-get to setup scratchbox...
sudo apt-get install scratchbox2 qemu-kvm-extras
...and set it up for compiling for webOS.
cd /srv/preware/cross-compile/toolchain/arm-2007q3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc PATH=/srv/preware/cross-compile/toolchain/arm-2007q3/bin:${PATH} sb2-init -c /usr/bin/qemu-arm armv7 arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc cd /srv/preware/cross-compile
make stage
Once this setup is complete, compiling sdl apps for webOS is very simple.
Errors during make stage (Feb 27 8:45 UTC)
Confirmed by 2 people:
- TRUE and FALSE are not defined
Manually add the definition:
#ifndef TRUE # define TRUE 1 #endif
#ifndef FALSE # define FALSE 0 #endif
Sample build of Application:Doom
Now, go to Building DOOM with scratchbox2 and follow the simple directions.