Difference between revisions of "Portal:Research"

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* [[Android under webOS on Touchpad]]
* [[Applications Bundled on the Pre]]
* [[Applications Bundled on the Pre]]
* [[Application_Framework|Application Framework]]
* [[Application_Framework|Application Framework]]
* [[Application Signing|Application Signing]]
* [[Blocking Updates]]
* [[Blocking Updates]]
* [[BlueZ|BlueZ (Replacing Palm Bluetooth)]]
* [[New Bluetooth|BlueZ (Replacing Palm Bluetooth)]]
* [[Bluetooth Network Connection]]
* [[Boot_Chain|Boot Chain]]
* [[Boot_Chain|Boot Chain]]
* [[Bootie]]
* [[Bootie]]
* [[Carrier Configuration]]
* [[ClassicFilesystem]]
* [[ClassicFilesystem]]
* [[Decrypt SSL (trusted man-in-the-middle technique)|Decrypt SSL (trusted man-in-the-middle technique)]]  
* [[Decrypt SSL (trusted man-in-the-middle technique)|Decrypt SSL (trusted man-in-the-middle technique)]]
* [[Default packages available in several webOS release]]
* [[Easter Eggs|Easter Eggs]]
* [[FirstUse Application Functionality]]
* [[Fonts available on board the Pre]]
* [[Gstreamer]]
* [[Hidd]]
* [[Hidd]]
* [[Intercept_SSL_Traffic]]
* [[Introspecting_Dbus|Introspecting Dbus]]
* [[Introspecting_Dbus|Introspecting Dbus]]
* [[Java Support in webOS]]
* [[Key Codes|Key Codes]]  
* [[Key Codes|Key Codes]]  
* [[Pre Specific Hash Codes|Pre Specific Hash Codes]]  
* [[Media API|Media API]]
* [[Mounting Files and Devices as USB Mass Storage]]
* [[Network Management|Network Management]]
* [[Advanced Wifi|Advanced Wireless LAN]]
* [[OmaDm|OmaDm research]]
* [[OpenGL|OpenGL research]]
* [[OpenGL_Triangle_of_Doom|OpenGL coding and demo Triangle of Doom]]
* [[Pre Specific Hash Codes|Pre Specific Hash Codes]]
* [[Research_Pre_Keyboard | Pre keyboard scancodes and keycodes]]
* [[Palm_Profile_Interactions]]
* [[Proximity Sensor]]  
* [[Pictures from Self-Test|Pictures from Self-Test]]  
* [[Pictures from Self-Test|Pictures from Self-Test]]  
* [[PmIpcDispatch|PmIpcDispatch to talk to palm IPC servers]]
* [[Restore Debug Log|Restore Debug Log]]  
* [[Restore Debug Log|Restore Debug Log]]  
* [[Reverse_Engineering_WebOS_Doctor|Reverse Engineering WebOS Doctor]]
* [[Reverse_Engineering_WebOS_Doctor|Reverse Engineering WebOS Doctor]]
* [[Reverse_Engineering_WebOS_Quick_Install|Reverse Engineering WebOS Quick Install]]
* [[Rooted Pre Issues|Rooted Pre Issues]]  
* [[Rooted Pre Issues|Rooted Pre Issues]]  
* [[Resident_2x_Apps|Resident (Permanent) webOS 2.x applications under webOS 1.x]]
* [[Research_Securing_Pre|Securing your Pre]]
* [[Running Processes|Running Processes]]  
* [[Running Processes|Running Processes]]  
* [[Symlink Applications|Symlink Applications]]  
* [[Symlink Applications|Symlink Applications]]  
* [[System Sounds|System Sounds]]  
* [[System Sounds|System Sounds]]  
* [[TestApps|TestApps]]  
* [[TestApps|TestApps]]  
* [[Facebook timezone issue|The annoying Facebook timezone issue]]
* [[Update Service Trace|Update Service Trace]]  
* [[Update Service Trace|Update Service Trace]]  
* [[USB Host Mode|USB Host Mode]]
* [[Tidbits|Tidbits]]  
* [[Tidbits|Tidbits]]  
* [[VideoRecording]]
* [[VideoRecording]]
* [[WebOS Exploration - Various Information|WebOS Exploration - Various Information]]  
* [[WebOS Exploration - Various Information|WebOS Exploration - Various Information]]
* [[WebOS network configuration files]]
* [[Research_Pre_GSM_Modem | Pre GSM modem device informations]]
* [[Research_Pre_GSM_Modem_Protocol | Pre GSM modem protocol informations]]
* [[Research_Pre_Audio | Audio routing and setup on the Pre]]
* [[Research_mpt | MSM modem passthru mode ]]
* [[Research_Pre_Boot_Process | Boot process]]
* [[LibSDL Research| SDL LibSDL research which lead to Quake and Doom running]]
* [[LibPDL Research| PDL LibPDL research ties into palm's device hooks]]
* [[Unofficial networks compatiblity list]]
* [[Research_kernel_Tuning | Research [kernel tuning]]]
* [[Touchscreen]]
* [[Chrooting | Methods of chrooting in webOS]]
* [[Touchpad Bluetooth Keyboard]]
* [[VPN Plugins]]
* [[XApps Development | XApps development model]]
* [[Packaging Standards|Packaging Standards]]
* [[webkit_transform|Webkit Transform]]- a powerful set of commands for manipulating elements.
* [[webkit_transform|Webkit Transform]]- a powerful set of commands for manipulating elements.
* [[WebKit UserAgent Override|WebKit UserAgent Override]]
* [[MojoDB Partition Resize|MojoDB Partition Resize]]
* [[MimeTypes|MIME Type, URL Scheme, and URL pattern registration (the easy way)]]
* [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:9lb_WwQBOXsJ:www.dunkelheit.com.br/supsi/Mobile/palestras/MFW10_JHU_PalmPrePhoneForensics.pdf+MFW10_JHU_PalmPrePhoneForensics.pdf&hl=fr&gl=fr&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgeMuyiewG_p88nJimTbMOKNerA-E1WtKgXfaajRXZ6PGmNd0YlWS3AyDpSqruZ9z71eUZdFQKgvUCKKTQC-hO8RXKbx7xU3iAfb1qv4e9Q2WuN1imFP0JDKKeCwAFjKbb1_L-i&sig=AHIEtbT_nc8wO7FY4HMi2wiN2nTpCZQfMQ  webOS Forensics Using the Palm Pre Plus] : a lot of useful informations on webOS ([http://www.mobileforensicsworld.org/2010/presentations/MFW10_JHU_PalmPrePhoneForensics.pdf OLD LINK]).

Latest revision as of 04:54, 19 August 2013

The Research Portal is for bleeding edge things being done with the device.

Title all pages: Research [description] or Reference [description]

