Difference between revisions of "Solution to App Catalog Installation Limit"

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(future versions)
Line 34: Line 34:
# 0.1.2 - added bulkmv function, allows moving many apps (xorg)
# 0.1.2 - added bulkmv function, allows moving many apps (xorg)
# 0.1.3 - added option for tar backups (xorg)
# 0.1.3 - added option for tar backups (xorg)
# 0.1.4 - added listmoved function to show apps already moved (xorg)
Line 56: Line 57:
   echo "Usage: mvapp unlink domain.appname  - restore app to var and remove link"
   echo "Usage: mvapp unlink domain.appname  - restore app to var and remove link"
   echo "Usage: mvapp clean domain.appname  - remove app dir and links"
   echo "Usage: mvapp clean domain.appname  - remove app dir and links"
   echo "Usage: mvapp list                  - list all apps sorted by size"
   echo "Usage: mvapp list                  - list all apps not yet moved, sorted by size"
   echo "Usage: mvapp bulkmv                - move/link bulk apps"
   echo "Usage: mvapp bulkmv                - move/link bulk apps"
  echo "Usage: mvapp listmoved              - list apps that have been moved and linked"
   exit 1
   exit 1
Line 137: Line 139:
# end of listapps function
# end of listapps function
# function: listmoved - list apps moved/linked, sort showing largest last
listmoved () {
du -s $MEDIA/* | sort -n
exit 0
# end of listmoved function
Line 314: Line 325:

Revision as of 20:04, 7 October 2009

Based on rwhitby's findings that temporarily moving /var/usr/palm/applications will allow installing apps from the App Catalog, here's a permanent way to keep the apps on (much larger) /media/internal by using links. This will permanently save space on /var.

It's unfortunate that Palm has not resolved the issue in the 1.2 update. This is a workaround that could work long term, also saving space on /var, but this needs support by the homebrew community to add in the homebrew installer apps.


This solution involves creating a (hidden) directory in the /media/internal area, moving selected applications to the newly created directory, and then creating a symbolic link in the /var/usr/palm/applications directory pointing to the new location. This frees up the disk space from the relatively limited /var volume to the larger /media/internal. The included script (which must be created) will move the files and create the appropriate link. It will also provide information on the size of the applications stored in the /var/usr/palm/applications directory.

Solution (symbolic link method)

Create a script to move apps to new home and create link. You can use an editor or use the following cat command to paste the code, for those not familiar with editors.

mount -o remount,rw /

cat >/usr/bin/mvapp

(paste the code below, press ctrl-c on keyboard to exit after pasting the code.)

(set command to be executable)
chmod 777 /usr/bin/mvapp



# This code is open for re-use with no restrictions.  xorg
# This is a working proof of concept script.  
# Intent is for someone to port to a webOS app.

# versions: 
# 0.1.0 - original (xorg)
# 0.1.1 - added unlink and clean functions (daventx)
# 0.1.2 - added bulkmv function, allows moving many apps (xorg)
# 0.1.3 - added option for tar backups (xorg)
# 0.1.4 - added listmoved function to show apps already moved (xorg)

# variables: these are globally available to all functions

# Option to do tar based backups.  Keeps file attributes but uses more space.
BACKUP=1  # set to 1 for tar backups, 0 to disable

# function: usage - show command usage options
usage () {
   echo "Usage: mvapp link domain.appname    - move app to media and link"
   echo "Usage: mvapp unlink domain.appname  - restore app to var and remove link"
   echo "Usage: mvapp clean domain.appname   - remove app dir and links"
   echo "Usage: mvapp list                   - list all apps not yet moved, sorted by size"
   echo "Usage: mvapp bulkmv                 - move/link bulk apps"
   echo "Usage: mvapp listmoved              - list apps that have been moved and linked"
   exit 1
# end of usage function

# function: cleanapp - removes symbolic links and folder in media and var
cleanapp () {

 mount -o remount,rw /
 # exit to usage if no app name supplied
 if [ ! $APP ]

 # Optional
 echo "This will remove $APP from both $VAR and $MEDIA."
 echo "You should first attempt to remove the app using the official Pre methods."
 echo "Are you sure you want to remove $APP? [y/N]: "
 read answer
 case $answer in
   [Yy]*) continue;;
       *) exit;;

 if [ -d $VAR/$APP ]
   echo "Removing all traces of $APP."
   echo "$APP does not exist..."

 echo "Size of $VAR before cleanup... "
 du -sh $VAR

 if [ -d $MEDIA/$APP ]
      rm -r $MEDIA/$APP
      echo "Removed directory" $MEDIA/$APP
 if [ -d $VAR/$APP ]
      rm -r $VAR/$APP
      echo "Removed directory" $VAR/$APP
 if [ -L $VAR/$APP ]
      rm -r $VAR/$APP
      echo "Removed link" $VAR/$APP
 if [ -f $BACKUPDIR/$APP.tgz ]
      rm -r $BACKUPDIR/$APP.tgz
      echo "Removed tar backup" $BACKUPDIR/$APP.tgz

 # rescan luna in case it's needed
 luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.applicationManager/rescan {} >/dev/null 2>&1

 echo "$APP directories and links removed."
 echo "Size of $VAR after cleanup... "
 du -sh $VAR
 exit 0
# end of cleanup function

# function: listapps - list the size of each app, sort showing largest last
listapps () {
 du -s $VAR/* | sort -n
 exit 0
# end of listapps function

# function: listmoved - list apps moved/linked, sort showing largest last
listmoved () {
 du -s $MEDIA/* | sort -n
 exit 0
# end of listmoved function

# function: linkapp - move the app to media and create symbolic link
linkapp () {

 if [ ! -d $MEDIA ]
      mkdir $MEDIA

 if [ -h $VAR/$APP ]
      echo "Link already exists for... ${APP}"
      exit 1

 mount -o remount,rw /

 if [ -d $VAR/$APP ]
   echo "Moving $APP to $MEDIA..."
   echo "$APP does not exist..."

 # Backup using tar if enabled
 if [ $BACKUP ]
   if [ ! -d $BACKUPDIR ]
    mkdir $BACKUPDIR
   echo "Backing up $APP to $BACKUPDIR..."
   tar czf $BACKUPDIR/${APP}.tgz $VAR/$APP

 mount -o remount,rw /

 echo "Size of $VAR before move... "
 du -sh $VAR

 # move over to USB drive
 cp -r  $VAR/$APP $MEDIA
 if [ $? != 0 ]
  echo "Copy failed. Leaving app in $VAR."
  exit 3

 rm -r $VAR/$APP
 if [ $? != 0 ]
  echo "Remove failed. Leaving app in $VAR."
  rm -r $MEDIA/$APP
  exit 4

 # create the symbolic link
 ln -s $MEDIA/$APP $VAR/$APP

 # rescan luna in case it's needed
 luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.applicationManager/rescan {} >/dev/null 2>&1

 echo "$APP moved and linked."
 echo "Size of $VAR after move... "
 du -sh $VAR
# end of linkapp function

# function: unlinkapp -  restore the app to var and remove symbolic link
unlinkapp () {

 mount -o remount,rw / 

 if [ -d $MEDIA/$APP ]
   echo "Restoring $APP..."
   echo "$APP does not exist..."

 echo "Size of $VAR before move... "
 du -sh $VAR

 # remove the old symbolic link
 rm -r $VAR/$APP

# move to original location or restore from tar if it exists
 if [ -f $BACKUPDIR/$APP.tgz ]
  cd /
  tar xzf $BACKUPDIR/$APP.tgz
  if [ $? != 0 ]
   echo "Tar restore failed. Remove and restore app using official webOS/Pre methods."
   exit 3
   rm -r $BACKUPDIR/$APP.tgz
  cp -r  $MEDIA/$APP $VAR
  if [ $? != 0 ]
   echo "Copy failed. Leaving app in $MEDIA."
   exit 3

 rm -r $MEDIA/$APP
 if [ $? != 0 ]
  echo "Remove failed. Leaving app in $MEDIA."
  rm -r $VAR/$APP
  exit 4

 # rescan luna in case it's needed
 luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.applicationManager/rescan {} >/dev/null 2>&1

 echo "$APP moved and unlinked."
 echo "Size of $VAR after move... "
 du -sh $VAR
# end of unlinkapp function

# function: bulkvm -  move/link many apps
bulkmv() {
 echo "This allows moving many apps, asking which you'd like to move."
 echo "Starting with the largest apps."

 mount -o remount,rw /
 cd $VAR

 for i in `du -s * | sort -nr |cut -f 2`
    export APP=$i
    SIZE=`du -sh $APP |cut -f 1`
    echo "Size of $APP is $SIZE."
    echo "Would you like to move and link $APP ? [y/N/q]: "
    read answer
    case $answer in
    [Yy]*) linkapp;;
    [Qq]*) exit 0;;
        *) echo "$APP not moved."

# end of bulkmv function

# main - begins here

case $COMMAND in

chmod 777 /usr/bin/mvapp


To find the largest apps in /var/usr/palm/applications

mvapp list

It shows the largest apps last... IE....
8352 com.apnews.webos
8512 com.fandango.app.fandango
8672 com.palm.app.musicplayerremix
10304 com.shortcovers.palm.pre
10432 com.fusioncreativestudios.deadman
10656 com.ulocate.app.where

To move and link com.ulocate.app.where

mvapp link com.ulocate.app.where

The app should now work in the new location thanks to the link. Test each app to make sure it works before doing another. I don't recommend looping the script to do every app in the dir or to link the entire app dir. File attributes are lost on the move, which some apps may need. You need to test each app after a move.

Continue moving apps until it reports that /var.../applications is about 25MB or less.

There is an option to turn on/off tar-based backups. See the BACKUP variable in the script. If set to 1, it will perform a tar backup. This takes up more space on /media but if you need to restore, it puts it back with full file attributes.

To move and link many apps (added in 0.1.1)

mvapp bulkmv

This will show largest app first, ask if you want to move/link and then moves on to the next largest app. If you answer no to an app, it will skip to the next. Answer 'q' to quit. Is easiest to use this method directly on a device using the Terminal app.

To revert the move and delete the link command, use this script

mvapp unlink com.ulocate.app.where

The application will then be placed back to the original directory. File attributes are lost on the move if tar backup is turned off, which some apps may need. You need to test each app after a move. If tar backup is turned on (see BACKUP variable in script), file attributes will be restored.

To cleanup and remove directories and symlinks

If you have any issues, issuing the following command will remove the applications directories at both locations and also the symlink. While this may not solve all the problems, it does give you a fresh start. You can then reinstall the app from the App Catalog or any Homebrew App installer.

mvapp clean com.ulocate.app.where

Contingency Plan

If you have issues with an app, remove it completely and reinstall through the respective app catalog or homebrew installer app.

If not completely removed, use the command... mvapp clean com.appname

Proposal to Dev Community

This is a formal proposal to the Dev Community suggesting that PreWare, WebOS Quick Install and other Pre installer apps provide an option to move any app in /var to the /media fs and create a link similar to the code above.

The Homebrew Community somewhat created part of the storage problem so needs to come up with their own solution. We propose that Homebrew apps be moved with a link to /media/internal by default and physically use /var only if needed (per conditions stated below). The developer would put a flag in the package (or some other method during submission) to state their app is able to run linked to /media or if it specifically needs to physically be on /var. Will propose additions to Packing Standards to support /media links. The homebrew installer apps could then automatically do the move/link if the package is flagged for it.

Candidate apps for moving to /media
- apps that do not depend on file attributes (such as executable bit)
- apps that do not perform data operations to home app directory when device is USB mounted

Exceptions for maintaining apps on /var
- apps that depend on file attributes
- apps that won't work well when device is USB mounted, such as performing data or DB operations in home app directory

(Please update with other known candidates/exceptions)

Benefits over other methods

Resizing /var
One challenge with resizing /var is that it will still have a fixed static limit - how do you decide how much to increase it? Many will still probably hit the limit or waste space if setting too high. There is also the warning from Palm that resizing var may interfere with future updates. The link method allows to dynamically use the /media partition, so there is no need to set a specific size dedicated to apps. If the USB drive is filled, users can decide if they use the space for media or apps on the fly.

AppPath in /etc/luna.conf
I proposed a while back adding an AppPath to luna.conf and moving the apps to /media. Some apps would not work because some apparently reference /var. IE, the vampire/mafia/quest series could not access graphics. The symbolic link fixed this because apps think they are in /var.

Link/mount all of /var/usr/palm/applications/ to /media/internal
If some apps rely on file attributes this won't work since file attributes are lost when moved to FAT fs. While this is rare, it probably isn't wise to force all /var apps to /media. Selectively moving apps one at a time is less risky.

Creating a loopback filesystem to a virtual file located on /media/internal
This has been worked on here and still has potential. Unfortunately it locks out USB mount and media sync altogether. If a workaround can be found with low risk, this may be the most ideal solution.

Risks, Issues, Dependencies

- File attributes of linux fs are not copied over to fat fs. May not work with apps that rely on file attributes. In general, javascript apps will likely work fine located on /media. No one has reported an app (yet) that does not work.

- Some apps may not behave well if USB drive is mounted to computer, though I've tested several that behaved fine. Linux type background services probably would not work well so probably should not be moved. Apps that do IO to the home directory of the app while USB mounted may have issues when located on /media.

- Jason Robitaille has indicated that a future version of WebOS Quick Install will include a routine to resize the /var partition. He has also indicated that doing so will wipe the /media/internal area, so any applications stored there would need to be backed up first. It might be good to be able to reverse the process of this solution. This could be done either by adding to this mvapp script, or creating a new one.

Future Versions

Plans for future versions...

- The script will soon be modified to be friendly for javascript calls... no prompting and no output, just result codes. Will still maintain user interaction code as well.


Discuss in the Discussion tab or PreCentral...


Your Experiences

Please post your experiences, good or bad. I'd like to get any kinks worked out before attempting to turn this into a webOS app.

- How many apps did you move?
- Did you find an app that won't work linked?
- Did you move any back? (please test)
- How far down did you have to get /var.../applications down in MB before you could start adding apps from the App Catalog?


xorg - initially developed script and proposal. maintainer of this page.
daventx - added unlink and clean functions.