Patch Messaging Jump Forward, Backward One Word at a Time
Sym+f : jump backwards one word
Sym+g : jump forwards one word
It's very easy to fat finger while thumbing out a message and difficult to tap the cursor into the right position to correct a typo. Not having arrow keys to move the cursor drove me nuts, especially when the typo was near the submit icon -- oops accidentally sent garbage because my fingertip wasn't sharp enough. This patch allows Sym+f to jump backwards one word and Sym+g to jump forward one word. This, plus the built-in Sym+Backspace to delete the current word makes fixing typos much easier. Most other Sym+key combinations are shortcuts for other symbols but f and g were unused.
- Rooted phone.
- Log in as root.
- Mount the file system as RW.
- Enter the /usr/palm/applications/ directory.
- In chatview-assistant.js, locate the handleTextAreaUp event handler near line 1680 (1800 for me):
- <source lang="text"> handleTextAreaKeyUp: function(event) {</source>
- and add the following just after:
- <source lang="text"> if (event && event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode==Mojo.Char.f) {
- currentText=this.messageTextElement.value;
- oldPos = this.messageTextElement.selectionStart;
- newPos = currentText.lastIndexOf(' ',oldPos-1);
- if (newPos>-1) {
- this.messageTextElement.setSelectionRange(newPos,newPos);
- }
- else {
- this.messageTextElement.setSelectionRange(0,0);
- }
- Event.stop(event);
- }
- if (event && event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode==Mojo.Char.g ) {
- currentText=this.messageTextElement.value;
- oldPos = this.messageTextElement.selectionStart;
- newPos = currentText.indexOf(' ',oldPos);
- if (newPos>-1) {
- this.messageTextElement.setSelectionRange(newPos+1,newPos+1);
- }
- else {
- this.messageTextElement.setSelectionRange(currentText.length,currentText.length);
- }
- Event.stop(event);
- } </source>
- Mount the file system as RO.
- Reboot.