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The Portal Set up users, Optware, and access links here. There, this page is marked DEPRECATED.

To start getting the most out of your new webOS Device you should install Preware. Continue on to the Preware page. There you will see all the ways to install Preware on your device.

Then go to the Optware section in Preware and install OpenSSH and OpenSSH SFTP Server from there.

Then go to the OpenSSH package homepage and read the instructions there to create an SSH key for use when accessing your phone via ssh or sftp.

If you want to access the optware command line package library, then also install the Optware Advanced Linux Command Line Installer package.

Once you are finished, you may SSH into your Pre with an SSH client like Putty:

  • Find your IP address on your Pre with
    • In many cases, you are in a local network, but gives you the WAN addess. Install whatismyip from the homebrew catalog to get your pre's ip address within the local network and use that
  • SSH to that IP address on port 22
    • If you're doing this over EVDO, there may be a lot of latency. Be patient.
    • You can optionally install Avahi and SSH to castle.local.
    • Dynamic DNS is helpful for consistently accessing the Pre over EVDO with a simple name.
  • Log in as root using the SSH key you created during the Optware installation