Komodo Macro

From WebOS Internals
Revision as of 06:55, 15 March 2010 by Templarian (talk | contribs) (Showed how to use get and setAppInfo)
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Macros show up in the toolbox panel on the right hand side of the Komodo window. They can be used to automate almost everything in Komodo, and with the Komodo add-on all the functionality are extended to the macros.

Since users are use to writing javascript from their Mojo applications all macros are written in JavaScript (Python is also allowed, but not documented).

If you do not see the panel: View > Tabs & Sidebars > Toolbox.

Macro Basics

To create a new macro simply add your code below the starting script below

Add a new Macro to the Toolbox

<source lang="javascript"> komodo.assertMacroVersion(2); // Macro Version if(komodo.view && komodo.view.scintilla) {

   komodo.view.scintilla.focus(); // Sets focus

} [... Your Script Here ...] </source>

Deploy Functions

The deploy functions which will automatically toggle and animate the add-on to prevent conflicts. The functions automatically uses the active project to perform the operations.

<source lang="javascript"> // Emulator Functions ko.extensions.webos.emulator.packageInstallLaunch(); ko.extensions.webos.emulator.packageInstallInspect(); ko.extensions.webos.emulator.remove(); ko.extensions.webos.emulator.launch(); ko.extensions.webos.emulator.close(); // Device Functions ko.extensions.webos.device.packageInstallLaunch(); ko.extensions.webos.device.remove(); ko.extensions.webos.device.launch(); ko.extensions.webos.device.close(); </source>

The above functions can optionally be passed an object with onSuccess and onFailure property functions.

<source lang="javascript"> {

       // This means the function worked
       // This means the function failed the UI will show this also.

} </source>

For more customization you must use the base palm functions listed below.

Macro Functions

All functions are asynchronous with onSuccess and onFailure callbacks. These are written to make the more complicated tasks very simple to write into a macro.

Check If Connected

The first thing you need to determine is if the emulator or device is connected.

Is Emulator Connected

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.palm.isEmulatorConnected({

       // Emulator was found
       // Emulator was not found

}); </source>

Is Device Connected

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.palm.isDeviceConnected({

       // Device was found
       // Device was not found

}); </source>

Palm Commands

You may have never used the palm command line since you are use to the add-on, but the following are what the quick buttons rely on.

Generate Application

This function is documented only to show the complete list of commands. It is recommended that you use the new project option in the emulator as this will only create the src/ contents.

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.palm.generateApplication({

   appInfo:{}, // The appinfo.json object
   path:"", // Absolute file path. "C:\Folder" for instance
       // Created a application at path
       // Failed to create application template

}); </source>

Package Application

Package an application simply creates the ipk and places it into either the bin/release or bin/debug based on the framework_config.json settings.

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.palm.packageApplication({

       // Created the ipk package file
       // Failed to create package

}); </source>

Install Application

Install an application to the device or emulator. There are currently two options.

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.emulator.cmdName ko.extensions.webos.device.cmdName </source>

Once you pick a device or emulator to install to you must select a ipk. If you do not select an IPK it is automatically populated with the current projects current ipk based off the framework_config.json and appinfo.json.

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.palm.installApplication({

   path:"", // OPTIONAL: Absolute path to ipk file.
       // Test

}); </source>

Launch Application

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.palm.launchApplication({}) </source>

Close Application

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.palm.closeApplication({}) </source>

Remove Application

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.palm.removeApplication({}) </source>

Editing "appinfo.json"

Need to read in the appinfo.json or save property changes through commands. Like all commands these are asynchronous meaning it won't cause Komodo to freeze while it is being ran.

Getting the Object

To get the active projects "appinfo.json" into an object simply call the function below.

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.project.getAppInfo({

       // this.json contains the object while this.text contains the contents
       alert(this.json.version); // or any other property.
       // this.errorCode == 1, this.error == "Error: Failed to load appinfo.json"
       // this.errorCode == 2, this.error == "Error: Failed to parse appinfo.json"

}); </source>

Saving the Object

The "appinfo" property contains either the full appinfo.json or partial properties. Make sure that overwrite = false or the entire appinfo.json will be overwritten.

<source lang="javascript"> ko.extensions.webos.project.setAppInfo({

   overwrite:false, // Completely overwrites file
       // this.json contains the object while this.text contains the contents
       // this.errorCode == 1, this.error == "Error: Failed to load appinfo.json"
       // this.errorCode == 2, this.error == "Error: Failed to parse appinfo.json"

}); </source>

Editing "framework_config.json"

Need to read in the "framework_config.json" or save property changes through commands. Like all commands these are asynchronous meaning it won't cause Komodo to freeze while it is being ran.

Getting the Object

[Will type up shortly]

Saving the Object

[Will type up shortly]

Useful Macros

If you find a useful macro list it below.