Dropbox Syncing

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Dropbox is a service that allows syncing files/folders across many computers. This is a way to sync a webOS device to Dropbox. This is not a native dropbox client. It connects to a Windows PC that has a Dropbox client installed and syncs the files to that PC's dropbox folder.

Signup free here or see for more info on Dropbox.

How this method works

This uses Xorg Tools to setup the configuration and installs the following tools...

- Samba (filesharing)
- Optware (so that samba can be installed)
- Cron (for scheduling)

It uses existing 'rsync' to perform the dropbox syncing.


You need the following tools/knowledge to use this service...

- A dropbox account with client running on a Windows PC
- Need to know the local IP address of the PC with dropbox client
- Helps to know how to setup Windows print/filesharing
-- though the wizard walks you through setup

How to install

- Install Xorg Tools

Paste this in a terminal session or use webOS Quick Install Linux Command line...

cd /tmp && wget -qO- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3812896/xt2.setup | /bin/sh

The menus are a mess right now. I'll be cleaning that up in time.

In Terminal app or in a Terminal session...

- Run 'xt' from linux

- plg) Plugin Menu

- dbx) Dropbox Menu

Find the IP address of the computer with dropbox before continue. Use the local IP address, not the WAN address. Best to start with local segment and then once working, tinker with router port forwarding to maybe use over EVDO and external WiFi.

- dbi) dropbox initial setup

Once installed, run a manual sync.

- plg)

- dbx)

- dsn) dropbox sync now

Where to find your files on webos

This method cannot sync dropbox in both directions to the same folder so inbox and outbox folders are created.

webos inbox and outbox locations:

Drop a file on webos outbox and it will appear on Windows inbox.
Drop a file on Windows outbox and it will appear on webos inbox.

Use Internalz app (available on Preware) to manage moving files/folders in and out of dropbox.


The username on the Windows PC cannot have any space. You'll need to use or create an account on Windows that has no spaces for the user id.

Details on what is setup

These are the configuration files involved if you want to make manual changes.

On the webos device:

This is where to drop off or pickup dropbox files on webos:



Looking for help on triggering the sync when a file changes in /media/internal/dropbox/outbox. It can likely be done with Update inotify but I'm not too up on Upstart. Could use some help.

PM me at PreCentral as... xorg