Com Palm Downloadmanager
Revision as of 23:13, 20 July 2009 by Hopspitfire (talk | contribs) (New page: This is what mdklein has found out about the palm built in download manager. <pre><nowiki> method: download params: {"target":"url"} </nowiki></pre> downloads url to /media/internal/down...)
This is what mdklein has found out about the palm built in download manager.
method: download params: {"target":"url"}
downloads url to /media/internal/downloads
luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.downloadmanager/download {\"target\":\"\"} ** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"returnValue":true , "ticket":30 , "url":"", "subscribed":false}
note: the ticket is used in other calls.
method: downloadStatusQuery params: {"ticket":number}
returns data on download ticket
method: cancelDownload params: {"ticket":number}
cancels download pending or in progress
<nowiki> luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.downloadmanager/cancelDownload {\"ticket\":32} ** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"returnValue":true , "ticket":32 , "url":"<file>" , "amountReceived":0} <nowiki>
method: cancelAllDownloads params: {}
cancels all downloads
method: listPending params: {}
lists pending downloads
luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.downloadmanager/listPending {} ** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, { "returnValue":true , "count":0}
method: clearHistory params: {}
clears history
method: forceInterface params: Currently unknown
I'm guessing forces download to use a specific interface. Haven't played with it yet.