Add Ability To Choose Snooze Length
I am trying to add a integer picker (0 - 59) along with another list picker which will have units of time (minutes, hours, days, weeks) to the notification alert that pops-up for a calendar reminder. However, this is proving to require a lot more skill and knowledge than I have at the moment; but this is an ongoing project I'm working on and I'd greatly welcome any help! I new to everything (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Linux), but I have learned a great amount in the small time since I've rooted my Pre from the community (thanx!).
So far I've only been able to create a simple program that shows a notification banner alert (the kind that pops up from the bottom of the screen, but doesn't interfere with anything) when you push a button. Then I tried to add a simple Integer picker to that banner when it pops up, but that broke what I had working already. Once I'm able to have a working demo that has an integer picker from 0 to 59, along with another picker that has minutes, hours, days, and weeks as options, and a "snooze" button; then I'll start working on integrating my work into the Calendar app and then create a patch. I have taken a quick look at the calendar app and it is a lot more complicated than I can fully understand yet and more complicated than I thought it would be. I hoping some people will want to help or else this will take awhile for me to understand.
- HebrewzHammer for idea