/usr/bin/mobilehotspotd is a binary service (written in c/c++ probably), introduced in 1.3.5 but undocumented.
Service calls:
Watch out because the program is likely to segfault when passed bad JSON arrays. Luna will return "not running" though a sysinfo will return valid information after a moment (upstart restarts it)
Methods: sysInfo clientList setDebugLevel interfaceAdd interfaceRemove
luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.mobilehotspot/sysInfo {}
- Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, { "returnValue": true, "sysInfo": { "ifbridge": "bridge12", "IPv4Address": "", "IPv4Subnet": "", "IPv4PoolStart": "", "stateBridge": "CREATED", "stateIPv4": "REMOVED", "stateDHCPServer": "DHCP SERVER STOPPED", "stateBluetoothRadio": "OFF", "interfaces": [ ] } }
luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.mobilehotspot/setDebugLevel '{ "debugLevel": "chatty" }'
Options for debugLevel seem to be:
chatty verbose trace info notice warning assert require error critical alert emergency tragic
interfaceAdd, interfaceRemove
No idea! We're probably missing very important parameters here.
luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.mobilehotspot/interfaceAdd {}
luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.mobilehotspot/interfaceRemove {}