Portal:Updating webOS Versions

From WebOS Internals
Revision as of 21:31, 14 November 2009 by DBsooner (talk | contribs) (New page: {{portal-header |Before updating to a new version of webOS, it is very important to follow certain procedures. Here is an outline of the recommended way to update your webOS when you use P...)
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Before updating to a new version of webOS, it is very important to follow certain procedures. Here is an outline of the recommended way to update your webOS when you use Patches (and/or Themes) installed via Preware. Deviating from this procedure could cause unwanted results.
  • 1. Open Preware and select Installed Packages.
  • 2. Remove any Theme(s) you have installed. There SHOULD only be one...
  • 3. Go back to the main menu and select "Patches" and then "Recovery".
  • 4. Install "Emergency Patch Recovery". Note: This will remove all patches. Please read the description.
  • 5. If you have Luna Manager installed, start it and "Restart Luna". If not, reboot your phone.
  • 6. Update webOS. :)
  • 7. Fire up Preware and bring down the App Menu (top left corner).
  • 8. Select Update Feeds.
  • 9. Continue on to reinstalling your Patches/Theme.
  • 10. Thank the webOS-Internals group!

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