Talk:Solution to App Catalog Installation Limit

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Revision as of 16:19, 9 October 2009 by Hparsons (talk | contribs) (New section: Confirmed Section)
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A call to port this script to a webOS app

This is just a proof of concept script, which I didn't intend to mature to this level. Ideally this would be ported as a standalone webOS app for App Management or included in PreWare and other homebrew app installers.

If you are interested in porting (or applying the basic symbolic link concept), please post your interest here.

--Xorg 01:26, 5 October 2009 (UTC)

Modified the APP variable in the script

Modified the script to change
I'm no script writer, and wouldn't normally change someone else's code, but the script did not work as originally written unless you were already in that directory. I tested it with the changes, and it works properly now.

--Herb 14:31, 30 September 2009 (UTC)

Not sure why it didn't work for you as your change didn't work for me. Are you using a different shell? I added a line to force #!/bin/sh and altered the code back with a note about your change.

--Xorg 03:12, 1 October 2009 (UTC)

My bad. The way the code was originally formatted, I couldn't cut and paste, and when entering it, I somehow missed the cd $ORG command. You're right, it should (and does) work in the original format.

--Herb 06:01, 1 October 2009 (UTC)

Changing app directory to .app

I had noticed that with the 1.2 update, all of the graphics on the USB directory were being scanned as if they were photos. This was pretty much a mess, and hand planned on coming back here to suggest that the "app" directory be changed to ".app" so it would be hidden. I noticed the altered code already had that change, but the original intro did not. Assuming this was the intent, I changed that.

--Herb 14:36, 30 September 2009 (UTC)

Restructured script to use functions

I've restructured the script to use functions. This allows anyone to post in their own functions and additional features.

--Xorg 19:50, 2 October 2009 (UTC)

Suggestion for the script

Perhaps in preparation for the "unlink" command, the "link" command can also create a full backup of the app (.tgz) which will contain the full permissions and any symbolic links that will be lost when copying the app to the /media/internal/.apps directory. That way if we find that the app does not run correctly from the linked version on /media/internal/.apps, we can restore it fully to /var with no loss of data.

--plee3 21:46, 2 October 2009 (UTC)

I just added tar backups. It's an option that currently is on by default. You need to change the flag in variable setup to turn off.

--Xorg 20:53, 5 October 2009 (UTC)


Possibly could those modifying the script start using some sort of versioning, with the version at the front of the script, with information about what the new version does added to the main article page?

--Herb 00:22, 5 October 2009 (UTC)


--Xorg 01:17, 5 October 2009 (UTC)

cp -rp?

Why do you not use cp -rp to link the app? This would save the permissions needed. --

^Because /media is a FAT filesystem and permissions will be lost. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to code -rp though.

Confirmed Section

Added a section for confirmed files, with subsections for confirmed to work, and confirmed not to work. Feel free to delete or change appropriate.