Patch Phone Disable Various Call Sounds

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Revision as of 06:44, 4 August 2009 by Mamouton (talk | contribs) (→‎Notes)
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Disable sound when you miss a call

If you're like me, you want to use the alarm clock and hear SMS alerts in case the NOC is on fire, but you don't want some random spam call to wake you up. Even though you turned the ringer volume down, the missed call alert will use the system volume setting and be as loud as your alarm/SMS. How annoying. Here is a very simple trick to make those missed call notifications silent.


  1. Gain access to linux.
mount -o remount rw, /
cd /usr/palm/applications/
cp announcer-assistant.js announcer-assistant.sav
vi announcer-assistant.js

Look for the following at line 243 (WebOS 1.1)

soundclass: 'notification'

change to

soundclass: 'none'

Now, add this same line after line 283 (webOS 1.1). So, change...

                                       lightweight: true,
                                        applicationStylesheets: ["stylesheets/ph
                                        name: stageName,
                                        "height": height,


                                       lightweight: true,
                                       applicationStylesheets: ["stylesheets/ph
                                       name: stageName,
                                       "height": height,
                                       soundclass: 'none'  

Now restart the GUI. The luna rescan trick WILL NOT WORK with the phone app.

initctl stop LunaSysMgr && initctl start LunaSysMgr

Wait for the GUI to come back and then call your phone. Don't answer it, and then hang up...notice you'll still have your notification but no annoying loud ding.

Now remount read only

mount -o remount,ro /

Notes for coders

Another way you can mod this is to change the popupalert style stage, which is the 3rd, optional param to createStageWithCallback(). This 3rd param can take a variety of options. So far I've discovered: popupalert, dashboard, card, pin, emergency, activebanner, and banneralert. You can also just leave it blank. I tried them all. Some worked, some didn't. Emergency is probably best left for the 911 functionality. Banneralert, like popupalert will use a sound file by default. Dashboard is the tiny little icon tray that appears at the bottom when you have mail or missed calls. In my mind the best alternative to popupalert with sound off, would be to switch it to dashboard and then you just get a more subtle notification of a missed call. If you use dashboard, you need not add the soundClass param above.

Disable Dropped Call Sound

The signal in my office isn't great and due to the Pre's poor tower handling abilities right now (soon to be updated via software, I hope, Palm?) I do get several dropped calls a week. Which is annoying in and of itself but even worse it plays this ridiculous alert tone that taunts you into throwing the phone against the nearest wall, seconds after the call is dropped. I needed this removed ASAP.

I used the link Turn Off Missed Call Sound as a starting point.


1. Gain access to linux, remount as writable and always backup:

mount -o remount rw, /
cd /usr/palm/applications/
cp /announcer-assistant.js announcer-assistant.js.bak

2. Look for line 743 on WebOS 1.1 - it's not the first occurrence of this line.

QDLogger.log( "announceDisconnectAbnormal"


3. A few lines below that it shows:

                                        lightweight: true,
                                        applicationStylesheets: ["stylesheets/ph
                                        name: stageName,
                                        "height": height,
                                        soundclass: "alerts"

4. Change "alerts" to "none"

                                        lightweight: true,
                                        applicationStylesheets: ["stylesheets/ph
                                        name: stageName,
                                        "height": height,
                                        soundclass: "none"

5. Save and quit vi
6. I always reboot after every mod


Disable Call Ended Sound

I have been looking for a way to turn this sound off since day one. I had applied the sound and messaging mod so everytime I ended a call my phone would chime out "You got mail" very irritating. I used this as my starting point.


1. Gain access to remount as writable and always backup:

mount -o remount rw, /
CD /usr/palm/applications/
cp /announcer-assistant.js announcer-assistant.js.bak

2. Look for this line (line 818 on WebOS 1.1)

QDLogger.log( "announceDisconnectNormal"

3. A few lines below that (lines 820-823):

				messageText: message,
				soundClass: 'notifications'

4. Delete 'notifications' leaving both apostrophes

				messageText: message,
				soundClass: ''

5. Save and quit vi


6. Now restart the GUI

stop LunaSysMgr && start LunaSysMgr

7. Now remount read only

mount -o remount,ro /

No more sound!

You will still get your popup message

Disable Ignored Call Sound

I had very few missed call or ignored call sound alert due to being on vacation and I was always able to be by my phone. Today was my first day back at work and I missed several calls and had to ignore several calls and that "You Got Mail" sound got annoying again. Hence my quest to disable the ignored call sound.


1. If you are here I assumed you have already rooted your Pre.

mount -o remount rw, /
cd /usr/palm/applications/
cp /announcer-assistant.js announcer-assistant.js.bak

2. Depending on the mods you have done around (line 394-403 on WebOS 1.1) you will see the the following, your lines may vary depending on your previous mods:

var message = Messages.callIgnoredBanner;

message = new Template(message).evaluate({"contact":caller});
		// turn display on

				messageText: message,
				soundClass: 'notifications'

3.Delete 'notifications' leaving both apostrophes

				messageText: message,
				soundClass: ''

4. Save and quit vi


5. Now restart the GUI

stop LunaSysMgr && start LunaSysMgr

6. Now remount read only

mount -o remount,ro /

No more sound!

You will still get your popup message


**(Do not delete the word message in above statement your phone will keep rebooting)** This will not remove the message being shown.

Confirmed by Webby_S at PreCentral