Patch Launcher Hide-Delete The NASCAR App

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Revision as of 23:14, 2 August 2009 by Hopspitfire (talk | contribs)
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Access Linux

Enable the Optware Package Feed and install a backdoor.

1. SSH in.

2. Remount the file system as read/write: <source lang=text> mount -o remount,rw / </source>

To HIDE the NASCAR app:

3. Bring up the visual editor to edit the application info for the NASCAR app: <source lang=text> vi /usr/palm/applications/ </source>

4. Press i to enter insert mode.

5. After the "vendorurl":"" line, add another line that says this: <source lang=text> "visible": "false" </source>

5. Press <ESC> to exit insert mode and go into command mode.

6. Save and quit the file that you are editing: <source lang=text>



7. Remount the file system as read only: <source lang=text> mount -o remount,ro / </source>

8. You may need to restart LunaSysMgr (avoids full reboot):

initctl stop LunaSysMgr
initctl start LunaSysMgr


3. Back up the app first, in case you ever want it back. We'll put the files into the USB drive so you can get to them if you want. <source lang=text> cp -R /usr/palm/applications/ /media/internal/nascar-backup </source>

4. Delete the app: <source lang=text> ipkg remove </source>

5. Remount the file system as read only: <source lang=text> mount -o remount,ro / </source>

6. Restart LunaSysMgr (avoids full reboot):

initctl stop LunaSysMgr
initctl start LunaSysMgr

To DELETE the Sprint bookmark app:

I figure some people might want to delete the useless Sprint bookmark app (the useless one that says Sprint and takes you to FAQs or Videos) as well.

/var/luna/launchpoints should have a file that is a few numbers in a row. This is the actual bookmark. (use vi to confirm it's the correct one). Delete that. Note: If you've already removed the bookmark through the browser, this file may not exist.

Then remove the icon by doing ipkg remove similarly to above:

3. Make a backup: <source lang=text> cp -a /usr/palm/applications/ /media/internal/sprintportal-backup </source>

4. Remove the app: <source lang=text> ipkg remove </source>

5. Remount the filesystem: <source lang=text> mount -o remount,ro / </source>

6. Restart LunaSysMgr (avoids full reboot):

initctl stop LunaSysMgr
initctl start LunaSysMgr

To DELETE the NFL app:

Repeat the above steps, but with the application name Choose an appropriate backup name of your choice.


By now you should get the basic idea of how to delete an app if you know the program's full name. Back it up, remove it with ipkg, remount the drive as read-only, and restart LunaSysMgr.