VNC (Virtual Network Computing)

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Revision as of 17:38, 22 July 2009 by Hopspitfire (talk | contribs) (New page: + VNC on the Palm Pre '''NOTE: As an alternative to enabling VNC by following this tutorial, one can use PalmVNC in the Classic emulator with full control. You may download PalmVNC at: ht...)
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+ VNC on the Palm Pre

NOTE: As an alternative to enabling VNC by following this tutorial, one can use PalmVNC in the Classic emulator with full control. You may download PalmVNC at:

The following is a proof of concept:

++ Prerequisites:

1. Root the Pre. 2. Install Debian chroot.

++ Demos:

hopspitfire 17:38, 22 July 2009 (UTC)>

++ Instructions:

1. Download the source tarball, directvnc_0.7.5.orig.tar.gz. NOTE: There is a newer version of directvnc at ( tarball at ) that has a feature that might be very useful on the pre, keyboard remapping - - as well as a few others - - also if someone wants to get GGI working with DirectFB, ggivnc is under current development (unlike even directvnc-rev which is untouched since 2007) - - ggivnc's author is on #ggi on freenode irc. Another option would be to try a GTK-based VNC client, as with vala-terminal.

2. Move the tarball to /usr/local/src/

3. Run the following command from /usr/local/src/:

tar zxvf directvnc_0.7.5.orig.tar.gz

4. A new directory structure should be created. cd to /usr/local/src/directvnc-0.7.5/src/

5. Modify the source of dfb.c (use vi). Remove lines 29, 33, 44, 69 and 83. Here's what each of the lines contains, so you know what we're deleting: > 29: IDirectFBInputDevice *mouse; #We don't have a mouse. > 33: DFBCardCapabilities caps; #Won't compile with this line. > 44: DFBCHECK(DirectFBSetOption ("quiet", "")); #Won't compile with this line, either. > 69: DFBCHECK(dfb->GetInputDevice( dfb, DIDID_MOUSE, &mouse )); #We don't have a mouse > 83: mouse->Release( mouse ); #We don't have a mouse

As you can see, we're removing code that will support a mouse and other things that cause the source not to compile. I haven't figured out how to get mouse control. Maybe someone can write a mouse driver that uses the touchscreen. :)

6. Change back to /usr/local/src/directvnc-0.7.5/

7. Run the following command, it will run some checks against the system and get things moving:

NOTE: If any dependencies are missing, let us know in #webos-internals, we'll update the wiki.


8. Run the following command, it will compile the source code:

make && make install

9. Connect to your VNC host:

/usr/local/bin/directvnc <host><:display>

NOTE: I've noticed some hosts don't display until there has been some activity with the section the client is focused on
