Patch Messaging Forward Messages
Description: This mod will allow you to forward a message by simply tapping on the text of a message in the chat view. It does not interfere with the current attachment-tapping behavior. Tapping an attached image will still prompt for a save, etc.
Update: There is a patch available for the mod. Please see [[[applying-patches]]] for instructions.
Step One: Create the model
Back up and modify /usr/palm/applications/
After line 7, add the following:
forwardIdentifier: 'palm://com.palm.applicationManager', forwardMessage: function(sceneController,messageText) { return sceneController.serviceRequest(MessagingMojoService.forwardIdentifier,{ method: 'launch', parameters: { id: '', params: { messageText: 'FWD: '+messageText } } }); },
Step Two: Make it respond to a tap on the text
Back up and modify /usr/palm/applications/
Find this block of code, starting at or near line 1440:
var mmsVcalTarget = MessagingUtils.getClassUpChain(eventTarget,'mms-vcal'); if(mmsVcalTarget) { var filePath = mmsVcalTarget.getAttribute('filePath'); this.controller.stageController.pushScene('mmsTextAttachment', filePath); return; }
Immediately below that block, add the following:
if (!mmsImageTarget && !mmsVideoTarget && !mmsVcardTarget && !mmsVcalTarget) { this.controller.showAlertDialog({ onChoose: function(value) {if(value == "forward"){MessagingMojoService.forwardMessage(this.controller, event.item.messageText);}}, title: $L("Forward Message"), message: $L("Do you want to forward this message?"), choices:[ {label:$L("Yes"), value:"forward", type:"affirmative"}, {label:$L("No"), value:"", type:"negative"} ] }); }
-showAlertDialog by Atlanta
Reboot for the changes to take effect.
To forward a message, open the Messaging application, tap a chat thread, then tap an individual message. If the message has an attachment, make sure you tap on the text of the message. A new compose card will open with the message text pre-populated. Simply choose the recipient(s).
Submitted by JackieRipper