UberKernel - In Development
Please add documentation and frequently asked questions and answers to this page.
This application is in constant development and testing. It should not be considered a finished product. Please note that usage of this package is very likely to void your warranty if things go wrong. Please, do not contact your carrier or Palm for support for damage resulting from this package.
WebOS Internals provides this program as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of this program is with you. Should this program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. In no event will WebOS Internals or any other party be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of this program to operate with any other programs).
All WebOS Internals kernels follow the 7 principles of kernel design: The Uber-Kernel incorporates the following bleeding-edge features to give you maximum control over your phone:
- 720MHz and 800MHz operating points (based on the open source OMAP3440 kernel, ported by uNiXpSyChO)
- All Linux 2.6.24 frequency governors (conservative, ondemand, powersave, userspace, performance)
- New screenstate governor, which runs at a higher speed when the screen is on and at 500MHz when the screen is off (created by uNiXpSyChO)
- OMAP3430 internal CPU temperature sensor (ported by ka6sox and rwhitby)
Available in the WebOS Internals Testing Feed.
The following guide assumes a Palm Pre or Palm Pre Plus that has the original kernel. (Currently unavailable for Pixi/Pixi+ or other kernels.)
- Open Preware and App Menu in the top left. (You do not have to wait for the feeds to load to complete this step.)
- Select "Manage Feeds" and scroll to the bottom.
- You'll need to add two feeds using the "New Feed" form.
- webosinternals-testing-all :
- webosinternals-testing-pre :
- Type the feed name in the NAME text box.
- NOTICE: DO NOT PUT SPACES IN THE NAME. THEY RESULT IN THE FEED NOT LOADING. Instead use hyphens and make sure the name is NOT capitalized.
- Type or paste the URL in the URL text box
- Make sure the IS COMPRESSED option is set to YES (currently the toggle does not work, but will be fixed in future versions).
- Tap Add Feed and then tap Yes when the alert pops up.
- Gesture swipe back, open the App Menu, and tap Update Feeds.
- On Preware's homescreen, select "List of Everything" and start typing "uber-kernel" (Typing automatically starts a search that filters the list as you type.)
- Select "Uber-Kernel (Palm Pre/Pre+)" and "Install"
- After the installation, Preware will prompt to restart your phone. Always listen to Preware; it knows best!