Theme Management API
Theme Management API
This is an initial attempt at hashing out a secure, reliable Theme Management API. One of the main goals is to modify as little as we can of stock Palm files.
- Create a new theme folder in /media/internal/.themes/thisTheme/
- In that new folder, place a file for each image that you intend to theme.
- The new file must be placed in the exact same relative path as before... that is to say, if the file was previously at /usr/palm/images/1.png then the new file must be at /media/internals/.themes/thisTheme/usr/palm/images/1.png
- The new file must have the same name, and be of the same type as the original file.
- The themer must include a file for each CSS file that he wants to theme...
- If the css file being overridden is an application css, it must be placed in the exact same relative path as it would have been in the application.
- If the original application was /usr/palm/applications/phone/stylesheets/phone.css the theming css must be in /media/internals/.themes/thisTheme//usr/palm/applications/phone/stylesheets/theme.css
- the theming file must ALWAYS be called "theme.css"
- If the css file being overridden is an application css, it must be placed in the exact same relative path as it would have been in the application.