Tutorials Differences between Emulator and Pre
I have created this page as a work in progress for people like me who only have the emulator to develop on.
Below is a list of differences between the Pre and the SDK emulator.
Messaging does not work on the SDK emulator. (Install http://forums.precentral.net/homebrew-apps/205914-messaging-plugins-live-yahoo-icq.html to make this work)
File System
File system is read only on the Palm Pre. File system is read/write on the SDK emulator.
Palm Pre architecture is armv7. SDK Emulator architecture is i686.
There is no sound in the SDK emulator. You can find a test four sound in the SDK here : how to copy mp3 files in Palm Pre emulator SDK http://forums.precentral.net/webos-apps-software/223899-how-copy-mp3-files-palm-pre-emulator-sdk-translate-music-player-r-french.html