WebOS Internals PDK
Scratchbox 2 is a cross-compilation engine, it can be used to create a highly flexible SDK.
As installed below, the install process uses a script which extracts the required Palm provided files from a copy of webos doctor, and downloads from other sources, and builds a complete compilation environment automatically which can compile SDL and openGLES apps for webOS.
SB2 itself is totally distribution neutral but the webOS cross-compile environment is designed and tested on Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit. (The webOS Internals team has not tested Ubuntu 64 bit at this time, but would be happy to hear of the results of that testing.)
The webOS Internals team strongly suggest apt-get install into that environment only for this purpose. The same installation of Sun Virtualbox which hosts the Palm SDK emulator can host an Ubuntu 9.10 server with very little effort.
SDL Homepage
Scratchbox 2 is distributed under LGPL version 2.1, portions are under GPL version 2. Some minor stuff is under MIT style license.
Sample installation on Ubuntu for Palm Pre cross compiling
Create a preware folder, copy the cros-compile tools into it (if you have not installed git, apt-get install git-core), and use a make script to set up the compilation toolchain.
sudo mkdir -p /srv/preware cd /srv/preware git clone git://git.webos-internals.org/preware/cross-compile.git cd cross-compile make toolchain
The following commands appear redundant. They are not. The install this fixes your mmap config to fix an mmap: permission denied error, but we don't need the package itself.
sudo apt-get install qemu-arm-static sudo apt-get remove qemu-arm-static
Now, use apt-get to setup scratchbox...
sudo apt-get install scratchbox2 qemu-kvm-extras
...and set it up for compiling for webOS.
cd /srv/preware/cross-compile/toolchain/arm-2007q3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc PATH=/srv/preware/cross-compile/toolchain/arm-2007q3/bin:${PATH} sb2-init -c /usr/bin/qemu-arm armv7 arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc mkdir -p /srv/preware/cross-compile/staging/armv7/usr/include cd /srv/preware/cross-compile make stage
Once this setup is complete, compiling sdl apps for webOS is very simple. Below is a sample of compiling ScummVM.
Sample build of Application:ScummVM
The following assumes you have copied your scummvm source into /srv/preware/cross-compile/packages
cd /srv/preware/cross-compile/packages/scummvm make build