Talk:Main Page

From WebOS Internals
Revision as of 13:15, 30 July 2009 by Templarian (talk | contribs) (commented about yesterdays restructuring of the main page.)
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Beta Main Page

This isn't in use right now, but when It comes the time to swap out the main page again.

Main_Page_beta Template:Page-main-beta

Article title capitalization

Are we sure we want to use title case for article titles? Wikipedia uses sentence case, and i think it looks much better. —X1011 06:35, 20 July 2009 (UTC)
Also, same question for section headings —X1011 12:45, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

I think it usually works out good since a lot of pages are displayed as: [[Page Name]], also with the headers of course don't uppercase "a", "and", etc. --Templarian 13:21, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

from #webos-internals: <source lang="text" enclose="div"> Rick_: X1011, the pages-to-be-moved page on the new wiki uses the PAGE NAME as a link to create the page on the new wiki rather than the old page link from the old wiki. Rick_: In general _most_ of them are fine. Rick_: We prefer "Page About Smashing the Pre" to "Page about smashing the Pre" because it _is_ the title of the page, and so _should_ be in title case. Rick_: or that's the consensus of the team to date. </source>

Registration error warning

Instead of having the warning about getting an error on confirming your registration on the main page, could an admin put it on the create account page? —X1011 01:58, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

The Special:* namespace pages are not editable. -- Rod

Maybe not inside the wiki editing system, but surely it's editable at some level. I think we should put user experience before "that's too hard to do". —X1011 23:55, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Agreed - I'll look into it. -- Rod

Front page mispelling and Description Addition

There's a mispelling on the top of the front page (I don't have rights to edit this page)

"Thank you for heling us convert all the pages from the old wiki!"

should be:

"Thank you for helping us convert all the pages from the old wiki!"

Also, can you add something referencing "Kernels" in the development tools' description?

-hopspitfire 05:33, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Added kernels to the list --Templarian 19:23, 27 July 2009 (UTC)


Why is Main Page protected? It shouldn't be protected unless it is vandalised; see wikipedia:WP:NO-PREEMPT. As seen in the above section, regular people have useful contributions. —X1011 21:52, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

I disagree. We're getting 20K page views a day. Let's keep the main page clean and functonal. rboatright 02:57, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

the main page has 14,428 total views to date. we shouldn't assume our users will make it dirty and unfunctional before we even give them a chance. Wikia has a good writeup on why the main page should not be protected.

also, in the future, when you protect a page, please include a note explaining why you are doing so.

X1011 08:07, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

Research/Reference Portal

We need to add the Research/Reference portal to the front page. I recommend re-organizing the front page.

I'd start with putting "Getting Started" on the top-middle by itself, then follow the diagram below:

-------------Getting Started-------------
Linux Apps---Source Patches---Dev Tools
Research-------webOS Apps-----Hardware
Recovery--------SDK Docs------Wiki Help

We also need an icon for "Research", maybe put a lab suit over Tux with a doctor's mask. What do you think?

I also agree with the post above regarding the unprotection of the front page (at least to autoconfirmed users).


featured article

I think we need a "featured article" on the main page. Right now, that wuld be terminal. rboatright 02:57, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

In that regard, I agree that we could move the google group off the sidebar onto the main page, along with X1011's "noob" page, and yes, we need to add a box for the research portal. rboatright 02:57, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

So it got reorganized, but lets leave the subscribe here up for a bit till everyone that wants to can subscribe (it's also on the main page). Also the featured articles look great.