Known Device Flavours
The following device combinations are known (you can get this information from Impostah->AppCatalog->ShowDeviceInfo).
If you have a device which is not listed here, please let @webosinternals know on Twitter. It doesn't matter if the carrier is different to what is listed here, except if you're in the US.
The format is country-carrierId-modelID-model-osMajor.osMinor.osRevision
au-*-143-Manta-ATT-2.2.3 au-*-133-Topaz-Wifi-Only-3.0.4 ca-*-108-Palm-Pre-CDMA-1.4.5 ca-*-133-Topaz-Wifi-Only-3.0.4 ca-*-121-Palm-Broadway-2.1.2 de-*-133-Topaz-Wifi-Only-3.0.4 de-*-110-Palm-Pre-UMTS-1.4.5 de-*-116-WR-Pixie-Plus-EU de-*-122-Palm-WR-Broadway-2.1.1 de-*-132-Palm-WR-Roadrunner-2.1.0 de-*-142-Manta-ROW-EU-2.2.0 es-*-132-Palm-WR-Roadrunner-2.1.0 fr-*-119-Palm-Pre-Plus-+-UMTS-2.1.0 fr-*-133-Topaz-Wifi-Only-3.0.4 fr-*-142-Manta-ROW-EU-2.2.0 gb-*-131-Palm-ATT-Roadrunner-2.1.0 gb-*-133-Topaz-Wifi-Only-3.0.4 gb-*-142-Manta-ROW-EU-2.2.0 ie-*-133-Topaz-Wifi-Only-3.0.4 ie-*-142-Manta-ROW-EU-2.2.0 us-1-113-Palm-Pre-+-UMTS-North-America-1.4.5 us-1-115-ATT-PixiePlus-1.4.5 us-1-121-Palm-Broadway-2.1.2 us-1-132-Palm-WR-Roadrunner-2.1.0 us-1-143-Manta-ATT-2.2.3 us-114-112-Palm-Pre-+-2.1.0 us-114-118-Verizon-PixiePlus- us-114-130-Palm-Sprint-Roadrunner-1.4.5 us-114-130-Palm-Sprint-Roadrunner-2.1.0 us-114-144-Manta-Verizon-2.2.3 us-4-106-Pre-1.4.5 us-4-106-Pre-2.1.0 us-4-108-Palm-Pre-CDMA-2.1.0 us-5-131-Palm-ATT-Roadrunner-2.1.0 us-5-133-Topaz-Wifi-Only-3.0.4 us-80-110-Palm-Pre-UMTS-1.4.51
Carrier Identifiers
Please update this list with your carrier:
au-24 = Telstra ca-0 = Bell Mobility ca-64 = Rogers Wireless de-53 = T-Mobil Germany de-54 = de-55 = E-Plus de-56 = O2 Germany es-39 = Movistar Spain fr-36 = Virgin Mobile fr-37 = SFR France gb-46 = O2 UK gb-47 = Vodafone UK us-1 = AT&T us-4 = Sprint us-5 = No Carrier us-80 = T-Mobile us-114 = Verizon Wireless
Family Identifiers
1 = Palm Pre/Pre+ 2 = Palm Pixi/Pixi+ 3 = ?? 4 = HP Veer 5 = Palm Pre 2 6 = HP Pre 3 7 = HP TouchPad
Carrier Restrictions - "HP mobile hotspot" - not available on AT&T or Sprint or Verizon - "Palm Videos" - available on AT&T and Sprint and Verizon com.yellowpages.ypmobile - "YP - Yellow Pages" - available on Sprint and Verizon, preloaded on AT&T com.palm.update2g-pre - "Palm 2G Update" - available on Sprint
Geo Restrictions
Not Available in the US
com.autoprint.kartensender com.bell.bellapp - CA only com.digiolive.bodybuilderfr com.ecocdk.digitdanse com.skyrock.palm com.speedyrob.tipcalcglobal