Application talk:Qt

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Revision as of 18:23, 14 March 2010 by Cerealklr (talk | contribs) (→‎Porting Qt apps)
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Has anyone started porting apps over the WebOS yet?

I am going to try and port over VLC QT VLC. I am not promising anything and if you are interested in helping out please let me know. --Elpollodiablo1 17:22, 14 March 2010 (UTC)

Porting Qt apps

I've been bugging the developer on and off for weeks to get some porting information. He hasn't written anything official yet, but so far it looks like it may be as simple as adding a like of code to specify that the main app should be fullscreen, any child windows should stay on top, and then compiling it in the Palm Pre or Pixi environment (SB2). I've yet to try it though I plan to as soon as he gets us some actual doc info. You're more than welcome to try your hand before that obviously. If it works let me know and i'll start porting too. --Cerealklr 18:20, 14 March 2010 (UTC)

EDIT: Just recalled that you'll need to point the app to the QT library. I can't recall where it is stored but a little file browsing and some patience will show you. In the previous revision there used to be an environment var for it, but it's been removed so that the library wouldn't require any preerm or postinst scripts. --Cerealklr 18:23, 14 March 2010 (UTC)