JsTop - Version: 0.1.0
JsTop is a Javascript Resource Aplication Monitor for WebOS. It monitors running webOS applications' memory usage, service usage, and total memory usage of the phone. Applications may be killed by swiping them away and out of the list.
Nodes refers to the number of DOM nodes an application has, roughly equal to it's memory usage on the phone.
Open Service Handles are the number of services the application is waiting on to return. This number can be equated to a rough estimate of CPU usage (though they often total > 100%).
To look at just a single app, tap on it. To go back to the full list, just swipe forwards (NOT back, though this will be fixed by 0.1.0). WebOS 1.4.0 broke forward swipe
Applications with orange names are system applications like the phone, calendar, system ui, etc. Kill these at your own risk. (Phone for example takes > 1 minute to relaunch the phone app after killed).
(NOTE: Do not kill pid 100(6