Linux Rsync Backup
Here is a first cut at a backup script which will pull from a linux host. It will create an SSH public key pair if none exists already, copy them to the Pre, then perform a complete rsync to the user's ~/palm directory. So far it works okay with the emulator. Feel free to fix bugs here, or on the discussion tab.
Warning - Setting up a key pair in this manner will mean a user on your linux box can get your Pre as well.
- Make sure you have rsync and openssh installed on your Linux box.
- Save the code below to a file on your linux box (eg, backup).
- Make it executable (eg, chmod a+x backup.
- Enable wifi on your Pre (you'll need its current IP address), or start your emulator.
- You'll need to know how to ssh as root to your pre with a password. You can set this up temporarily:
ssh -p222 your_user@pre_ip_address sudo bash -- give your user password, then you're root /usr/sbin/rootfs_open -w passwd root mount -o remount,ro / exit
- To use the script with your emulator:
linuxbox$ ./backup localhost 5522 root found, using it reached the palm with ssh key receiving file list ... done ./ bin/ ... etc ...
- To run with the Pre over IP:
linuxbox$ ./backup 222 root
Note you may need to specify the user you created when you rooted the Pre instead. The user will need read access to the whole file tree.
#!/bin/bash die() { echo $@ exit 1; } [ $# -eq 3 ] || die "Usage: $0 palm_ip palm_port palm_user" host=$1 port=$2 user=$3 strict='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' pubkey='-o PreferredAuthentications=publickey' dest="-p $port $user@$host" [ -x /usr/bin/rsync ] || die no rsync, you should: sudo apt-get install rsync if [[ ! -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa || ! -f ~/.ssh/ ]]; then echo we need to make an ssh keypair ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa -N '' || die ssh-keygen failed else echo found, using it fi if ssh $strict $pubkey $dest ls /etc/palm > /dev/null; then echo reached the palm with ssh key else echo need to copy local pubkey to palm cmd='umask 077; test -d .ssh || mkdir .ssh ; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh $strict $dest $cmd if ssh $strict $pubkey $dest ls /etc/palm > /dev/null; then echo second try good, reached the palm with ssh key else die could not use pubkey after installing it on the palm fi fi rsync -avz --size-only --exclude proc/ --exclude dev/ --exclude sys/ \ -e "ssh -p $port $strict" $user@$host:/ ~/palm