Help:Where Things Go
In general, most topics should link off of one of the existing portal pages. If you can't think of anywhere else, link it off the miscellaneous portal. Of course, to explore a topic in depth some pages will only be linked to parent pages. Be Bold in your edits! This is still a new wiki we need all the content we can get. If you see something that needs editing, EDIT IT. Don't ask for permission.
No Orphaned Pages
Please plan where your page will fit into the wiki. It is important that before or after your article is written the article is linked in one or multiple spots. Do not edit the page's link into other pages where it would be off topic.
Naming Scheme
It is very important that you follow what is already in place. Pages are being renamed during the transition. You will find that most sections of the site are already planned out. If you have questions ask in IRC.
The portals that are below are currently in working order. They may be moved and rearranged.
Accessing Linux
Information about accessing Linux, tutorials, etc, go into this portal.
webOS Applications
This page is basically where all the tutorials and applications made by users will be placed.
Linux Applications
Applications being developed for the device, but directly for Linux should be placed here.
Hardware Information
Information pertaining to hardware such as accelerometers will be listed here.
Research & Reference
Is there something cutting edge it should be written about here.
Remember how it was said earlier some pages do not seem to belong to a specific portal. This is where you will want to place those pages.
The Palm SDK
WebOS-Internals version of the documentation for the SDK.
Any tools that are required for various work should be written about here.
Other Notes
Credit it always nice, but accuracy and information are even nicer.
If you get involved with someone where you keep changing things back and forth, please use the discussion page linked to each page to resolve it. Don't make the sysops do it. You won't like the results.
Thanks for showing up!
webOS Internals Team