Novacom on Windows
Windows lacks an "xterm" program. So no full blown terminal program is available for windows to communicate with the Pre via novacom.
Never the less, Palm has provided all the tools you need to access the linux on your Pre from windows without any additional software. THe only problem with it is, you only get a command line, you can't get a fully interactive terminal. So, the very first thing you're going to want to do is to install the "next steps" package so that you can log into your Pre with a terminal program.
You will be setting up wifi access. After this process is done you will be able to get to your pre using the putty ssh program via wifi.
- Install the Palm Pre SDK accepting all defaults
- Open a command session. You will be at some C:\> directory -- which one doesn't matter
- type
cd \program files\palm\sdk\bin
- Your prompt will change to
C:\program files\palm\sdk\bin\>
- Type
novacom -t open tty://
- Your prompt will change to root@castle:/# ←[J
- Type
cd /tmp
- your prompt will change to root@castle:/tmp#
- Type
- You will see a reply that looks like this:
wget master/ Connecting to ( 100% |*******************************| 20968 00:00:00 ETA root@castle:/tmp#
- type
- Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your Pre.
You may see a warning that when you enter a password for your new user, that the password is too weak. Simply ignore this warning and type the same password again. The program will accept whatever password you use, it just warns you about weakness.
Eventually you will see a message
Setup complete root@castle:/tmp#
Press CTRL-C to exit from the novacom session and close your dos window.
If you have not yet downloaded putty.exe, get it from the offical putty download. this is a bare exe, there is no install. Save it to any directory where you will know where it is.
Run putty.exe and open a connection to your pre
Open the Pre's connectivity menu by tapping on the battery. Choose wifi, click on your connection and note the IP address listed.
In putty, in the host name space, type the ip address of the Pre. In the port space type 222. In the connection space choose ssh. Press CONNECT and you should be asked the question Login as:
Enter the username and then the password that you set up in the script above. You are now logged into your Pre with full access.