Pre 3 Impersonation
This page is for anyone who wants to make a certain Pre 3 model impersonate some other Pre 3 model.
This was important before the doctor and OTA update of the AT&T Pre 3 became available. Now it is not so important and is no longer recommended unless you have good reason to do so.
If you want to reverse this process so that you can use the AT&T Pre 3 Doctor again you have to do 3 things. First follow the instructions below using the "restore" tokens at the very bottom of the page, then flash the resulting meta-doctor to your device, then flash the factory AT&T Doctor.
Note that the device continues to have the same cellular frequency bands, and continues to have the same amount of flash memory.
You need to use the meta-doctor to change the tokens on the device:
- Install "Show Properties" on your device (found in Preware) and email yourself the complete token set before you start.
- This is your backup in case you make a mistake or ever want to revert the device to a 16GB AT&T Pre 3 again.
- Download and setup webOS Metadoctor.
- This is a tool that helps us modify the official doctor and then flash it onto our phones. Follow that page but DO NOT FOLLOW after where it says "STEP 2: Running the webOS Doctor" on that guide!!!!
- Back already? You're a sharp one! With Terminal still open, type
cd downloads
- This changes our directory to the downloads folder inside the meta-doctor
- In terminal, type
- This will download the webOS doctor into the downloads folder
- Rename "webosdoctorp220mantawr.jar" to "webosdoctorp220manta-wr-2.2.0.jar" inside the "downloads" folder which is inside "meta-doctor" This is very important as it avoids an error you might get later on. For those unfamiliar with linux commands, you should use the "mv" command:
mv webosdoctorp220mantawr.jar webosdoctorp220manta-wr-2.2.0.jar
- Change the directory back to meta-doctor
cd meta-doctor
- In the terminal, type
make DEVICE=pre3 CARRIER=wr clobber unpack
- Type
cp build/pre3-p220manta-wr-2.2.0/webOS/mantaray.xml .
- The ending dot counts!
- Edit mantaray.xml to set the desired tokens. See below for tokens. The .xml can be found inside the meta-doctor folder
- In the XML, find
<Section name="tokens" type="token" size="5KB"> <Val name="installer" value="trenchcoat"/> </Section>
- and Paste the Tokens so it looks like
<Section name="tokens" type="token" size="5KB"> <Val name="installer" value="trenchcoat"/> <Val name="DMCARRIER" value="ROW" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="DMMODEL" value="HSTNH-F30CE" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="MfgCode" value="" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="PN" value="180-10918-01" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="PRODoID" value="HSTNH-F30CE" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="ProductSKU" value="FB437AA#ABU" action="overwrite"/> </Section>
Save the file and close the text editor. Back to the terminal!
- Hey, we're doing very well. Now back in the termial, type
- You have created a modified webOS doctor!
- Flash the device using the resulting custom doctor - you can stop it as soon as it has finished writing the tokens, or allow it to complete if unsure.
cd build/pre3-p220manta-wr-2.2.0
java -jar webosdoctorp220manta-wr-2.2.0.jar
- From this point on, you have an EU Pre 3 device, so you never need the CUSTOM_XML or REMOVE_*_CHECK flags ever again.
- Re-flash the device using the standard EU Pre 3 doctor (not your modified one). If you don't reflash it with the standard doctor, you will not be able to access the app catalog.
These were the tokens we pasted into the .XML file:
<Val name="DMCARRIER" value="ROW" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="DMMODEL" value="HSTNH-F30CE" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="MfgCode" value="" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="PN" value="180-10918-01" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="PRODoID" value="HSTNH-F30CE" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="ProductSKU" value="FB437AA#ABU" action="overwrite"/>
If you've also somehow been able to unlock the device, you may also want to set this one:
<Val name="SimLockDef" value="UNLOCKED" action="overwrite"/>
These are the tokens to restore the device back again:
<Val name="DMCARRIER" value="ATT" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="DMMODEL" value="HSTNH-F30CN" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="MfgCode" value="" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="PN" value="180-10867-01" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="PRODoID" value="HSTNH-F30CN" action="overwrite"/> <Val name="ProductSKU" value="FB389AA#ABA" action="overwrite"/>