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ok so i took a look at the PalmDatabase.db3 and it looks like we need to dump 3 tables
ok this is a very raw version of stuff
ok this is a very raw version of stuff

Revision as of 13:21, 3 October 2009

ok so i took a look at the PalmDatabase.db3 and it looks like we need to dump 3 tables

ok this is a very raw version of stuff

So we want to dump all our messages from PalmDatabase.db3

here is one simple way to do it

WELL IT LOOKS LIKE com_palm_pim_Message is not the right thing. This a view in sqlite database... I have search for a table that keeps all the info..

back to search

to dump the messages to file:

echo ".mode insert" > cookies; sqlite3 -init cookies /var/luna/data/dbdata/PalmDatabase.db3 'select * from com_palm_pim_Message' >/tmp/messages.sql;rm cookie

to insert it to our database:

 cat /tmp/messages.sql| sqlite3 /var/luna/data/dbdata/PalmDatabase.db3

the question now is how to import it to freshly created database....

anyway what I was trying to do is to:

remove my database on pre... does palm has a script to create the new database?! (PalmDatabase.db3)??????? if yes then run the script... and try to import my messages to check if everything is working fine....

if everything is working fine we should be able to write a simple script to do that automatically for us... and it also could send the whole messages.sql to our email so we will have it for future reference and also we will be able to use the file to insert the messages to our new PalmDatabse.db3 file after webos doctor.

I hate losing my messages

-- according to sqlite com_palm_pim_Message is a view need to research about it... i'm not so good in sqlite

--en0x 19:32, 2 October 2009 (UTC)