Difference between revisions of "Remove/Reduce Drag Radius"

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(This is being addressed in a near-future update to webOS.)
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When dragging any element, system widget or the Launcher, there is a radius of 25 pixels before your drag goes into effect. Once the radius has been exceeded, WebOS will jerk suddenly to meet your finger's location. This large distance, and the subsequent sudden motion, reduce usability.
==Download your version==
webOS 1.4.5: http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/249025-patch-reduce-drag-radius-10px.html
webOS 2.1: http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/286547-patch-increase-touch-response-luna-aka-make-webos-feel-like-ios.html
webOS 3.0.2: "Increase Touch Sensitivity And Smoothness 10"

Latest revision as of 22:23, 30 August 2011


When dragging any element, system widget or the Launcher, there is a radius of 25 pixels before your drag goes into effect. Once the radius has been exceeded, WebOS will jerk suddenly to meet your finger's location. This large distance, and the subsequent sudden motion, reduce usability.

Download your version

webOS 1.4.5: http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/249025-patch-reduce-drag-radius-10px.html

webOS 2.1: http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/286547-patch-increase-touch-response-luna-aka-make-webos-feel-like-ios.html

webOS 3.0.2: "Increase Touch Sensitivity And Smoothness 10"