Difference between revisions of "Patch:AdvancedConfigurations"

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(104 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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'''Advanced Configuration for System Preferences'''
'''Advanced Configuration for System Preferences & Advanced Configuration for System Preferences - WORLD'''
The Advanced Configuration for System Preferences (ACSP) patch combines many of the best and popular patches for customizing the system settings and phone, messaging and email app preferences.
The Advanced Configuration for System Preferences (ACSP) patch combines many of the best and popular patches for customizing the system settings and phone, messaging and email app preferences.
<br /><br />
{| style="color:black; background-color:#A9D0F5;border:1px solid #0101DF;" VAlign="middle" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" Width="100%"
|align="center" | '''This patch comes in two flavors; the ''"Advanced Configuration for System Preferences"'' patch is for the en_us locale. ''(Note, Bell users should use the non World release of the patch. Their devices are set to en_us.)'' The ''"Advanced Configuration for System Preferences - WORLD"'' is for those that have the World ready webOS version on their device.'''
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The ACSP patch adds the following configuration options:
The ACSP patch adds the following configuration options:
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* moves ringtone per contact configuration into preferences scene
* moves ringtone per contact configuration into preferences scene
* adds per contact call blocking / voicemail
* adds per contact call blocking / voicemail
* adds per contact sms ringtone
* adds per contact SMS ringtone
* moves show contacts matches into phone preferences
* adds separate phone application preferences scene
* moves show contacts matces into phone preferences
* adds separate phone application preferences scene
* renames the setting items in phone app menu
* renames the setting items in phone app menu
* adds close after phone call option into phone prefs
* adds close after phone call option into phone prefs
Line 79: Line 84:
* adds vibration length setting for (email/messaging)
* adds vibration length setting for (email/messaging)
* changes messaging notification settings to be configured per account
* changes messaging notification settings to be configured per account
* adds setting ringtone/sms tone/automatic action for unknown/blocked callers
* adds configurable power button action for disconnecting call
* adds messaging signature and greeting configuration for sms/mms messages
* adds call log as a option for default view while on call
* adds the showing of the call log into the app menu while on a call
* makes call duration visible in call log
== Installation ==
== Installation ==
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==== Overview ====
==== Overview ====
The Advanced Configuration patches combine many of the best and popular patches in use today; therefore, they both conflict with any patch that provides the same or similar functionality, hence these patches are a bit more complex in nature that normal patches.
The Advanced Configuration patches combine many of the best and popular patches in use today; therefore, they both conflict with any patch that provides the same or similar functionality, hence these patches are a bit more complex in nature that normal patches. Both Advanced Configuration patches are compatible with each other and can be installed at the same time or right after the other.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
If the Advanced Configuration patches are the first patches you are installing, please skip ahead to the [[#Advanced_Configuration_Installation|Advanced Configuration Installation]] section.
If the Advanced Configuration patches are the first patches you are installing, please skip ahead to the [[#Advanced_Configuration_Installation|Advanced Configuration Installation]] section.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
{| style="color:black; background-color:#A9D0F5;border:1px solid #0101DF;" VAlign="middle" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" Width="100%"
{| style="color:black; background-color:#A9D0F5;border:1px solid #0101DF;" VAlign="middle" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" Width="100%"
|align="center" | '''Due to this more complex nature, the following preparation and installation instructions are HIGHLY recommended to be followed when you have other patches installed.<br />Failure to do so will result in errors while trying to install or update these patches.'''
|align="center" | '''Due to this more complex nature, the following preparation and installation instructions are HIGHLY recommended to be followed when you have other patches installed.<br />Failure to do so will likely result in errors while trying to install or update these patches.'''
<br />
==== Preparing Your Device ====
==== Preparing Your Device ====
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====Restoring Patches After EPR====
If you followed the recommended steps for [[#Preparing_Your_Device|Preparing Your Device]] for the Advanced Configuration patch(es) installation, you'll be looking to reinstall your other patches that were removed by EPR. The steps below should help get you back on track.
# Open Preware
# From the App Menu, Tap Saved Package List
# Tap the Install All button
# Restart Luna
Following these steps may still result in some IPKG errors. Chances are that a patch that provides the same/similar functionality is listed in your Saved Package List. If you run into one of those patches, remove it from the Saved Package List (swipe to delete) and try installing again.
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The Preferences for are accessed by tapping/swiping down the upper-left corner of the screen/top bar (when the App Launcher is in focus) and selecting Preferences. After configuring the preferences the way you like, use the back-swipe gesture to go back to the Launcher.
The Preferences for App Launcher are accessed by tapping/swiping down the upper-left corner of the screen/top bar (when the App Launcher is in focus) and selecting Preferences. After configuring the preferences the way you like, use the back-swipe gesture to go back to the Launcher.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
'''Page Settings'''
'''Page Settings'''
Line 388: Line 412:
These settings determine the notification alert for the system low battery warning and when charging the device.
These settings determine the notification alert for the system low battery warning and when charging the device.
'''Low Battery:''' ''[Mute | Sound | Vibrate]''
'''Low Battery:''' ''[Vibrate | System Sound | Ringtone | Mute]''
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
'''Charger:''' ''[Mute | Sound | Vibrate]''
'''Charger:''' ''[Vibrate | System Sound | Ringtone | Mute]''
<br />
<br />
Line 455: Line 479:
<br />
<br />
'''Default View:''' ''[Dialpad | Call Log]''
<br />
This setting determines whether or not the phone app is opened to the dialpad or the call log.
<br/ ><br/ >
'''On Call View:''' ''[Contact | Dialpad | Call Log]''
<br />
This setting determines whether or not the contact (e.g. contact's picture), dialpad, or call log is shown when on a call.
<br/ ><br/ >
'''Close After Call:''' ''[Yes | No]''
<br/ >
This setting determines whether or not the phone app is closed after a call has ended.
<br />
<br />
<br />
These settings determine the action when the slider is opened or closed while the phone is ringing or on a call.
'''Slider Opened:''' ''[Do Nothing | Answer Call | Speakerphone]''
'''Slider Opened:''' ''[Do Nothing | Answer Call | Speakerphone]''
<br />
This setting determines the action when the slider is opened while the phone is ringing.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
'''Slider Closed:''' ''[Do Nothing | Hangup Call]''
'''Slider Closed:''' ''[Do Nothing | Hangup Call]''
<br />
This setting determines the action when the slider is closed while on a call.
<br />
'''On Remove:''' ''[Do Nothing | Answer Call]''
'''Power Button:''' ''[Do Nothing | Hangup Call]''
<br />
<br />
This setting determines the action when the phone is removed from the touchstone when during an incoming call.
This setting determines the action when the power button is pressed while on a phone call. This setting only affects calls using the ear speaker.
<br />
<br />
'''On TS Remove:''' ''[Do Nothing | Answer Call]''
<br />
This setting determines the action when the phone is removed from the touchstone during an incoming call.
<br /><br />
'''On Call Reject:''' ''[Do Nothing | Auto Reply]''
<br />
This setting determines the action when a call is rejected. When set to auto reply you get to set the template text that is automatically set into new message with the callers phone number after rejecting a call.
<br /><br />
'''Speakerphone:''' ''[Only Manually | Using Proximity]''
'''Speakerphone:''' ''[Only Manually | Using Proximity]''
<br />
<br />
This setting determines whether or not the speakerphone is enabled or disabled manually or by use of the proximity sensor. When using the proximity sensor, there is a two second delay for the switching.
This setting determines whether or not the speakerphone is enabled or disabled manually or by use of the proximity sensor. When using the proximity sensor, there is a two second delay for the switching.
<br />
'''Default View:''' ''[Dialpad | Call Log]''
<br />
This setting determines whether or not the phone app is opened to the dialpad or the call log.
<br/ ><br/ >
'''On Call View:''' ''[Contact | Dialpad]''
<br />
This setting determines whether or not the contact (e.g. contact's picture) or the dialpad is shown when on a call.
<br/ ><br/ >
'''Close After Call:''' ''[Yes | No]''
<br/ >
This setting determines whether or not the phone app is closed after a call has ended.
<br />
<br />
Line 532: Line 564:
<br />
<br />
To configure per account notification settings shown below, tap on an account, then tap Preferences.
To configure the Message Greeting and Signature for the SMS account, tap your SMS account. The area to enter the greeting and signature are found near the bottom of the Account Info screen. To configure per account notification settings shown below, tap on an account, then tap Preferences.
<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br />
'''Message Greeting/Signature:'''
<u>'''Message Greeting'''</u>
<br />
This setting allows for an opening greeting to be placed at the beginning of new text messages.
<br /><br />
<u>'''Message Signature'''</u>
<br />
This setting allows for a signature to be placed at the end of new text messages.
<br />
'''Per Account Notification Settings:'''
<br /><br />
<u>'''New Message'''</u>
<u>'''New Message'''</u>
'''Blink Notification:''' ''[On | Off]''
'''Blink Notification:''' ''[On | Off]''
Line 552: Line 599:
This setting determines the how you will be alerted when a text/sms message is received. If you select Ringtone, you will be presented with another field to tap in which you can select a custom alert sound.
This setting determines the how you will be alerted when a text/sms message is received. If you select Ringtone, you will be presented with another field to tap in which you can select a custom alert sound.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
'''Vibration:''' ''[Disabled | Short (0.5s) | Medium (1.0s) | Long (1.5s)]''
'''Vibration:''' ''[Short (0.5s) | Medium (1.0s) | Long (1.5s)]''
<br />
<br />
This setting determines the duration of the vibration when a text/sms message is received.
This setting determines the duration of the vibration when a text/sms message is received.
Line 558: Line 605:
'''Repeat:''' ''[Disabled | Every 2m | 5m | 15m | 30m | 60m]''
'''Repeat:''' ''[Disabled | Every 2m | 5m | 15m | 30m | 60m]''
<br />
<br />
This setting determines the frequency that the missed call notification repeats.
This setting determines the frequency that the missed message notification repeats.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
'''Repeat Times:''' ''[Infinite | 3 times | 5 times | 10 times | 15 times | 30 times]''
'''Repeat Times:''' ''[Infinite | 3 times | 5 times | 10 times | 15 times | 30 times]''
Line 593: Line 640:
This setting determines the how you will be alerted when an email message is received. If you select Ringtone, you will be presented with another field to tap in which you can select a custom alert sound.
This setting determines the how you will be alerted when an email message is received. If you select Ringtone, you will be presented with another field to tap in which you can select a custom alert sound.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
'''Vibration:''' ''[Disabled | Short (0.5s) | Medium (1.0s) | Long (1.5s)]''
'''Vibration:''' ''[Short (0.5s) | Medium (1.0s) | Long (1.5s)]''
<br />
<br />
This setting determines the duration of the vibration when an email message is received.
This setting determines the duration of the vibration when an email message is received.
Line 599: Line 646:
'''Repeat:''' ''[Disabled | Every 2m | 5m | 15m | 30m | 60m]''
'''Repeat:''' ''[Disabled | Every 2m | 5m | 15m | 30m | 60m]''
<br />
<br />
This setting determines the frequency that the missed call notification repeats.
This setting determines the frequency that the missed email notification repeats.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
'''Repeat Times:''' ''[Infinite | 3 times | 5 times | 10 times | 15 times | 30 times]''
'''Repeat Times:''' ''[Infinite | 3 times | 5 times | 10 times | 15 times | 30 times]''
Line 609: Line 656:
A Contact Preferences has been added to the App Menu under each contact.
<br />
<u>'''Unknown Contacts'''</u>
<br />
The following contact preferences can be found under the App Menu in the Contacts App.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<u>'''Unknown Contacts'''</u>
'''Blocked Numbers:''' ''[Yes | No]''
<br />
This setting determines whether or not the Phone Call and SMS Message settings below are applied to blocked numbers.
<br /><br />
'''Unknown Numbers:''' ''[Yes | No]''
<br />
This setting determines whether or not the Phone Call and SMS Message settings below are applied to unknown numbers.
<u>'''Phone Call'''</u>
'''Action:''' ''[Do Nothing | Auto Hang Up | Direct to Voicemail]''
<br />
This setting determines the action for an incoming call from blocked and/or unknown numbers. If Do Nothing is selected, you can then chose to assign a custom ringtone for calls coming from blocked and/or unknown numbers.
<br /><br />
'''Ringtone:''' ''[Use Default | Set Ringtone]''
<br />
This setting determines whether or not the system ringtone or a custom ringtone is configured for when a blocked and/or unknown contact calls you.
<br />
<u>'''SMS Message'''</u>
'''Ringtone:''' ''[Use Default | Set Ringtone]''
<br />
This setting determines whether or not the system ringtone or a custom ringtone is configured for when a blocked and/or unknown contact sends you a text/sms message.
<br />
<u>'''Individual Contacts'''</u>
<br />
The following contact preferences can be found under the App Menu for each contact.
<u>'''Phone Call'''</u>
<u>'''Phone Call'''</u>
Line 649: Line 745:
== Troubleshooting (FAQ) ==
== Troubleshooting (FAQ) ==
Updated information coming soon.
More information coming soon.
'''Q: I followed the steps outlined on this wiki to install one of the Advanced Configuration patches. Do I need to do that all over again to install the other Advanced Configuration patch?'''
<br />
A: No, however, if you run into issues trying to install the other Advanced Configuration patch, your first course of action would be to follow the steps over, then install both Advanced Configuration patches one right after the other. If you decide to proceed with the installation of the other Advanced Configuration patch, you should remove any other patch that provides the same/similar functionality as the Advanced Configuration patch you would be attempting to install. If you are also using a theme, you might have to remove your theme prior to installing/updating if the theme happens to modify the same files as the patches. ''(Again, the recommended/preferred method would be to follow the steps outlined on the wiki.)''
<br /><br />
'''Q: Why am I unable to update to the latest version of the patch?'''
<br />
A: Check the Status section of the wiki for recently added features. Chances are you have another patch installed that provides the same/similar functionality. You would need to remove that patch first before updating. Another area to check would be the opening Summary section of the wiki. There too is information regarding what the patch does/is about. That could help you determine what other patch you would have to remove prior to updating. If you are also using a theme, you might have to remove your theme prior to installing/updating if the theme happens to modify the same files as the patches.
== Resources ==
== Resources ==
===== Donation to Developer =====
===== Supporting Development =====
===== Official Developer Project Page =====
* Please see the official PreCentral Forum thread opening post for the donation link.
* [[user:sconix|Current and Legacy Projects]]
===== Official Forum =====
===== Official Forum =====
Advanced Configuration for App Launcher
'''Advanced Configuration for App Launcher'''
* [http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/245440-patch-top-bar-system-menus-status-today-device-menus.html Official PreCentral Forum Thread]
* [http://forums.precentral.net/enlightened-linux-solutions/250047-patch-advanced-configuration-app-launcher-acal.html Official PreCentral Forum Thread]
<br />
'''Advanced Configuration for System Preferences'''
* [http://forums.precentral.net/enlightened-linux-solutions/264559-patch-advanced-configuration-system-preferences-acsp.html Official PreCentral Forum Thread]
Advanced Configuration for System Preferences
* [http://forums.precentral.net/webos-patches/264559-patch-advanced-configuration-system-preferences.html Official PreCentral Forum Thread]
== Status ==
== Status ==
Line 724: Line 835:
<br />
<br />
'''Current Release'''
'''Current Releases'''
'''1.4.5-74 <span style="color:#ff0000">'''</span> - (''Released Oct. 3, 2010'')
'''1.4.5-89 (both)<span style="color:#ff0000">'''</span> - (''Released Oct. 18, 2010'')
'''1.4.5-89 (both)<span style="color:#ff0000">'''</span> - (''Released Oct. 18, 2010'')
* Fixed bug with some default values when no existing configuration
* Simplified the message sender identification process
'''1.4.5-86 (both)<span style="color:#ff0000">'''</span> - (''Released Oct. 15, 2010'')
* Fixed bug with charger notification when no existing configuration
* Fixed bug with notification repeat time limit not used
* Fixed bug with ghost notifications on certain situation
* Fixed bug with messaging composition where one space was added to the text automatically
'''1.4.5-85 (world) <span style="color:#ff0000">'''</span> - (''Released Oct. 15, 2010'')
* Initial release of international version of the patch (no translations yet)
'''1.4.5-83 <span style="color:#ff0000">'''</span> - (''Released Oct. 14, 2010'')
* Fixed the greeting/signature fields to be editable
* Fixed power button not controlling screen even the option was set to do nothing (i.e. normal operation)
* Fixed messaging app not behaving properly when SMS preferences was not saved
* Fixed the power button not working after disconnect problem
'''1.4.5-80 <span style="color:#ff0000">'''</span> - (''Released Oct. 12, 2010'')
* Makes call duration visible in call log (needs re-saving of phone prefs)
* Fixed bug with IM notifications using vibrate even other alert method was configured
* Fixed repeat notification bug that caused "ghost" notifications for messaging
* Fixed bug with SMS account preferences getting messed up in certain situation
* Fixed message draft setting to be also in effect on when composing new message
* Updated the active call app menu to have the new item names
* Added the show call log into app menu while on call
* Added possibility to set call log as default view while on call
* Added messaging signature configuration for sms/mms messages
* Added possibility to set ringtone for low battery / charger alert
* Added configurable power button action for disconnecting call
* Added setting ringtone/sms tone/automatic action for unknown/blocked callers
* Cleaned up the extra vibration behavior and added disable option for it
'''1.4.5-75 <span style="color:#ff0000">'''</span> - (''Released Oct. 4, 2010'')
* Added auto reply on call rejection feature
* SMS account ringtone can now actually be set
* MMS messages now use the SMS notification settings instead of defaults
* Fixed display proximity sensor to be not active when its not enabled
* Fixed messaging notification not using system alert instead of notification sound
'''1.4.5-74 <span style="color:#ff0000">'''</span> - (''Released Oct. 3, 2010'')
'''1.4.5-74 <span style="color:#ff0000">'''</span> - (''Released Oct. 3, 2010'')
* Initial Release
* Initial Release
''' Future Releases'''
* Enable call rejecting with power button when the option is set to hang up
* Fine tune the proximity speakerphone feature so that the delay is only used when answering normally to the call, when answered while phone on desk (or similar position) or taken away from ear there is no delay.
* Notification silencing while on call
* Screen control setting when on charger (on/off and on/locked/off for TS)
* ? Additional per contact settings such as auto reply / notification repeats
* ? Separate on call view for incoming/outgoing calls
* ? Screen state control of notification repeats
* ? Configuration for notification sound while on call
* ? Per contact sms notification setting
* ? Add action for power button to turn off screen when on call
* The current way the global location service on/off toggle works is that it turns all off and then on, but it might be better if it would remember what the settings was before turning everything off so when turning back on you would get the settings that you had.

Latest revision as of 13:01, 16 June 2011


What are the Advanced Configuration patches?

The Advanced Configuration patches consist of two individual patches that add more configurability to webOS; the Advanced Configuration for App Launcher and Advanced Configuration for System Preferences. The Advanced Configuration patches comprise of the following two patches:

Advanced Configuration for App Launcher

The Advanced Configuration for App Launcher (ACAL) patch combines many of the best and popular patches for customizing and using the App Launcher.

The ACAL patch adds the following configuration options:

  • tidies the app menu
  • adds configurable named pages
  • adds configurable page tabs
  • adds configurable page reset
  • adds configurable default page
  • adds configurable page indicators
  • adds configurable icons size
  • adds configurable icon grid size
  • adds configurable viewing of icon titles
  • adds configurable viewing of quick launch
  • adds renaming of applications
  • adds hiding / showing of applications
  • adds secondary moving of applications
  • adds page moving/renaming/adding/deleting
  • adds jumping to a wanted page

Advanced Configuration for System Preferences & Advanced Configuration for System Preferences - WORLD

The Advanced Configuration for System Preferences (ACSP) patch combines many of the best and popular patches for customizing the system settings and phone, messaging and email app preferences.

This patch comes in two flavors; the "Advanced Configuration for System Preferences" patch is for the en_us locale. (Note, Bell users should use the non World release of the patch. Their devices are set to en_us.) The "Advanced Configuration for System Preferences - WORLD" is for those that have the World ready webOS version on their device.

The ACSP patch adds the following configuration options:

  • adds configurable haptic feedback into screen settings
  • sets lowest brightness to 0 in screen settings
  • adds more turn off times for screen off
  • removes global blink control from screen settings
  • adds media volume slider into sound settings
  • adds configurable charging notification into sound settings
  • adds configurable low battery notification into sound settings
  • adds configuration for alert/notification sounds into sound settings
  • renames sounds & ringtones to sound settings
  • adds on/off toggle of all GPS services into location services
  • renames phone prefs into phone services
  • add voice roam only control to phone services
  • adds phone radio on off toggle into phone services
  • moves ringtone per contact configuration into preferences scene
  • adds per contact call blocking / voicemail
  • adds per contact SMS ringtone
  • moves show contacts matches into phone preferences
  • adds separate phone application preferences scene
  • renames the setting items in phone app menu
  • adds close after phone call option into phone prefs
  • adds default view selection into the phone prefs
  • adds configurable auto answer on TS removal option into phone prefs
  • adds configurable slider open/close actions into phone prefs
  • adds speakerphone when slider opened option into phone prefs
  • adds speakerphone with proximity sensor option into phone prefs
  • adds showing of all saved networks into wifi prefs
  • add configuration for handling message drafts (normal/clipboard)
  • adds configurable repeating notifications (phone/email/messaging)
  • adds separate per account blink notifications (email/phone/msg)
  • adds vibration length setting for (email/messaging)
  • changes messaging notification settings to be configured per account
  • adds setting ringtone/sms tone/automatic action for unknown/blocked callers
  • adds configurable power button action for disconnecting call
  • adds messaging signature and greeting configuration for sms/mms messages
  • adds call log as a option for default view while on call
  • adds the showing of the call log into the app menu while on a call
  • makes call duration visible in call log



The Advanced Configuration patches combine many of the best and popular patches in use today; therefore, they both conflict with any patch that provides the same or similar functionality, hence these patches are a bit more complex in nature that normal patches. Both Advanced Configuration patches are compatible with each other and can be installed at the same time or right after the other.

If the Advanced Configuration patches are the first patches you are installing, please skip ahead to the Advanced Configuration Installation section.

Due to this more complex nature, the following preparation and installation instructions are HIGHLY recommended to be followed when you have other patches installed.
Failure to do so will likely result in errors while trying to install or update these patches.

Preparing Your Device

The following steps will prepare your device for installing the Advanced Configuration patches. These steps will walk you through updating your Saved Package List and running the Emergency Patch Recovery (EPR) tool.

You will be running EPR during these steps. EPR will remove all of your patches, hence, the importance of following these steps.

Update Saved Package List

  1. Open Preware
  2. From the App Menu, Tap Saved Package List
  3. Tap the Update button
  4. Back-Swipe back to the main Preware screen.
  5. Proceed to “Run Emergency Patch Recovery Tool (EPR) steps

Run Emergency Patch Recovery Tool (EPR)

  1. At main Preware screen, start typing Emergency Patch Recovery, then press the Enter key
  2. Tap on Emergency Patch Recovery
  3. Tap Install button
  4. Restart your device

Advanced Configuration Installation

The Advanced Configuration patches are found in the WebOS-Internals Patch Feed.


The following method can be used to install both Advanced Configuration patches.

  1. Open Preware
  2. Start typing “Advanced Configuration” (no quotes)
  3. Tap the corresponding patch from the list
  4. Tap the Install button
  5. Tap the Ok button to restart Luna


  1. Open Preware
  2. Tap Available Packages
  3. Tap Patch > App Launcher > Advanced Configuration for App Launcher OR Tap Patch > Misc > Advanced Configuration for System Preferences
  4. Tap the Install button
  5. Tap the Ok button to restart Luna

Restoring Patches After EPR

If you followed the recommended steps for Preparing Your Device for the Advanced Configuration patch(es) installation, you'll be looking to reinstall your other patches that were removed by EPR. The steps below should help get you back on track.

  1. Open Preware
  2. From the App Menu, Tap Saved Package List
  3. Tap the Install All button
  4. Restart Luna

Following these steps may still result in some IPKG errors. Chances are that a patch that provides the same/similar functionality is listed in your Saved Package List. If you run into one of those patches, remove it from the Saved Package List (swipe to delete) and try installing again.


Advanced Configuration for App Launcher


The Preferences for App Launcher are accessed by tapping/swiping down the upper-left corner of the screen/top bar (when the App Launcher is in focus) and selecting Preferences. After configuring the preferences the way you like, use the back-swipe gesture to go back to the Launcher.

Page Settings

Page Header: [No Page Header | Use Page Name | Use Page Tabs]
This setting determines the view/style of the page header in the App Launcher.

Put New Apps: [On First Page | On Last Page | On Active Page | On Default Page]
This setting determines where a new app will be placed in the App Launcher.

Reset Position: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the App Launcher position is reset to the top of the page automatically.

Page Wrapping: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the App Launcher pages wrap when flipping from the last to first or first to last page. (Note: The animation effect that is normally present is removed when page wrapping is enabled. This is due to a limitation of the scroller widget which the Launcher uses.)

Page Animation: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the animation effect is enabled for jumping between pages and when selecting a page from the tabs header. This setting (Page Animation) does not affect swiping between pages. (Note: This setting can only be controlled when the Page Wrapping option is off.)

Page Indicators: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the page indicators (arrows or little hash marks) are shown in the App Launcher.

Icon Settings
Tweaking of the Grid and Icon settings will yield different results. Play around with the settings to find your optimal App Launcher page layout.

Grid Size: [Small | Medium | Large]
This setting determines the number of app icons per row in the App Launcher.

  • Small - Yields 3 app per row
  • Medium - Yields 4 apps per row
  • Large - Yields 5 apps per row

Grid Spacing (Slider, 0px - 25px):
This setting determines the spacing between the grid rows.

Icon Size: [Small | Medium | Large]
This setting determines the number or rows on an App Launcher page.

Icon Titles: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the app titles are shown in the App Launcher.

Quick Launcher

Launcher Bar: [Always Visible | Always Hidden | Hide In Launcher | Show In Launcher]
This setting determines the how the Quick Launch bar is displayed.

Unhide On Reorder: [On | Off]
This setting determines if the Quick Launch bar will be shown when reordering/moving apps (helpful if you have the Quick Launcher hidden and wish to move apps to and from the Quick Launcher). This setting is only shown if you have the Launch Bar setting set to either "Always Hidden" or "Hide In Launcher".

View App Information

Viewing App Information can be accomplished by:

  1. Gesture + Tap an app icon.

Setting/Un-setting Default App Launcher Page

Setting the default App Launcher page can be accomplished by:

  1. Navigate to the launcher page you want to set as the default page. (Note: The default page is the App Launcher page that will display by default when the App Launcher is opened.)
  2. Tap/swipe down the upper-left corner of the screen/top bar (when the App Launcher is in focus) and select Set As Default Page.

Un-setting the default App Launcher page can be accomplished by:

  1. Tap/swipe down the upper-left corner of the screen/top bar (when the App Launcher is in focus) and select Unset Default Page.

Hiding/Showing Apps

Hiding apps can be accomplished by either of the following methods:

  1. Gesture + Tap an app in the App Launcher and tap the Hide button.
  2. Tap/swipe down the upper-left corner of the screen/top bar (when the App Launcher is in focus) and select List All Applications.
    • Tap the app in the list, then tap the Hide button.

Showing/Unhiding apps can be accomplished by:
(Note: Apps that are hidden appear "grayed-out" in the list)

  1. Tap/swipe down the upper-left corner of the screen/top bar (when the App Launcher is in focus) and select List All Applications.
    • Tap the app in the list, then tap the Show button.

Moving/Rename/Deleting Apps

Moving Apps can be accomplished by either of the following methods:

  1. Tap + Hold an app icon. Once the "halo" appears around the app icon, slide the app around the current App Launcher page or move to the side edges of the screen to move it to another page.
  2. Gesture + Tap an app. Tap the Move button. Select the page you wish to move the app to.

Renaming Apps can be accomplished by:

  1. Gesture + Tap an app.
  2. Tap the Rename button.
  3. Enter a new name for the app and press enter key on your keyboard.

Deleting Apps can be accomplished by:
(Note: You can only delete non Palm Apps this way)

  1. Gesture + Tap an app.
  2. Tap the Delete button.

Adding/Removing/Moving App Launcher Pages

Use one of the following methods to enter into an "edit" mode so that you can then add/remove/move/rename launcher pages:

  • Tap/swipe down the upper-left corner of the screen/top bar (when the App Launcher is in focus) and select Enter Edit Mode.
  • Gesture + Tap a blank area on a Launcher page.
  • If using Tabs for your page header, Gesture + Tap the Menu button.
  • If your using Page Names for your page header, Gesture + Tap the page header


Adding a Launcher page can be accomplished by the following method:

  1. Tap the + button.
(Note: The new page is added to the end of the Launcher Page list.)

Removing a Launcher page can be accomplished by the following method:

  1. From the Launcher Page list, tap the page you want to remove.
  2. Tap the delete (trash can) button.

Moving a Launcher page can be accomplished by the following method:

  1. From the Launcher Page list, tap the page you want to move.
  2. Tap the arrows to move the page up or down in the list.

Renaming a Launcher page can be accomplished by the following method:

  1. From the Launcher Page list, tap the page you want to rename.
  2. Tap the Rename button.
  3. After renaming the page, tap the Done button.

Advanced Configuration for System Preferences

The following is a list of preferences that have been added, modified or moved from the subsequent apps. All other settings found in the following apps were unmodified and are not covered in the scope of this guide.

Screen & Lock


Brightness: [Maximum | Minimum]
This setting determines the brightness level of the screen. It has been modified to allow the lowest value to be zero (0). The Maximum/Minimum option allows for quickly setting the maximum and minimum value for the brightness. In addition, you still can use the slider to set your desired screen brightness level.

Turn Off After: [15s | 30s | 1m | 2m | 3m | 5m | Never]
This setting determines the delay before the screen turns off automatically.


Haptic Feedback: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not haptic feedback is enabled when the screen is tapped.

Sound Settings

(Formerly Sounds & Ringtones)

App Name

Renames the Sounds & Ringtones app to Sound Settings.

Ring & Alert Tones
These settings allow usage of a customizable alert and notify sound.

Alert: [Default | Select]

Notify: [Default | Select]

System Notifications
These settings determine the notification alert for the system low battery warning and when charging the device.

Low Battery: [Vibrate | System Sound | Ringtone | Mute]

Charger: [Vibrate | System Sound | Ringtone | Mute]

System Volume Levels

Media Volume:
This setting determines the media volume level of the device.

Ringtone/System/Media Volumes: [Maximum | Minimum]
This setting allow for quickly setting the maximum and minimum values for each volume level. In addition, you still can use the slider to set your desired volume level.


The Phone Preferences has been renamed to Phone Services. The Phone App Menu has been modified to reflect the renaming of the Preferences to Phone Services and Sounds & Ringtones to Sound Settings. In addition, a new, separate Preferences menu item was added to the Phone App Menu that contains additional preferences related to the behavior of the phone app.

Phone Services

(Formerly Phone Preferences)

Phone Services can be found in the App Menu of the Phone App or in the App Launcher (if you have the Advanced Configuration for App Launcher or other patch installed that unhides the app).

Phone Radio

Radio Toggle: [On | Off]
This setting has been added to the header of Phone Services to allow for control of the phone’s radio.


Automatic: [Carrier Only | Roam Only | Automatic]
This setting has been modified to include the Roam Only option. This setting determines whether or not your device will stay on only your carrier’s voice network, only roaming, or automatic in which it will connect to the best available network.

When Typing In Dialpad

Show Contact Matches: [On | Off]
This setting has been moved to the Phone Preferences.

Phone Preferences

The Preferences for the Phone can be found in the Phone App Menu.


Contact Matching: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not you can search for a contact by typing the name on the keyboard.


Default View: [Dialpad | Call Log]
This setting determines whether or not the phone app is opened to the dialpad or the call log.

On Call View: [Contact | Dialpad | Call Log]
This setting determines whether or not the contact (e.g. contact's picture), dialpad, or call log is shown when on a call.

Close After Call: [Yes | No]
This setting determines whether or not the phone app is closed after a call has ended.


Slider Opened: [Do Nothing | Answer Call | Speakerphone]
This setting determines the action when the slider is opened while the phone is ringing.

Slider Closed: [Do Nothing | Hangup Call]
This setting determines the action when the slider is closed while on a call.

Power Button: [Do Nothing | Hangup Call]
This setting determines the action when the power button is pressed while on a phone call. This setting only affects calls using the ear speaker.


On TS Remove: [Do Nothing | Answer Call]
This setting determines the action when the phone is removed from the touchstone during an incoming call.

On Call Reject: [Do Nothing | Auto Reply]
This setting determines the action when a call is rejected. When set to auto reply you get to set the template text that is automatically set into new message with the callers phone number after rejecting a call.

Speakerphone: [Only Manually | Using Proximity]
This setting determines whether or not the speakerphone is enabled or disabled manually or by use of the proximity sensor. When using the proximity sensor, there is a two second delay for the switching.


Blink Notification: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the blink notification will be on or off when you have a missed call.

Repeat: [Disabled | Every 2m | 5m | 15m | 30m | 60m]
This setting determines the frequency that the missed call notification repeats.

Repeat Times: [Infinite | 3 times | 5 times | 10 times | 15 times | 30 times]
This setting determines how long the notification repeat will run until cleared.


The following are found in the Messaging App Preferences & Accounts.

Message Drafts

Copy to Message: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not a draft message is automatically restored to that conversation after having aborted the message or closed the messaging app.

Copy to Clipboard: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the draft of a message is automatically copied to the clipboard for pasting into the conversation manually instead of automatically.

To configure the Message Greeting and Signature for the SMS account, tap your SMS account. The area to enter the greeting and signature are found near the bottom of the Account Info screen. To configure per account notification settings shown below, tap on an account, then tap Preferences.

Message Greeting/Signature:

Message Greeting
This setting allows for an opening greeting to be placed at the beginning of new text messages.

Message Signature
This setting allows for a signature to be placed at the end of new text messages.

Per Account Notification Settings:

New Message

Blink Notification: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the blink notification will be on or off when you have received a message.

Show Notification: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the additional Notification options are available and whether or not the notification banner is used to notify about the received message.


Alert: [Vibrate | System Sound | Ringtone | Mute]
This setting determines the how you will be alerted when a text/sms message is received. If you select Ringtone, you will be presented with another field to tap in which you can select a custom alert sound.

Vibration: [Short (0.5s) | Medium (1.0s) | Long (1.5s)]
This setting determines the duration of the vibration when a text/sms message is received.

Repeat: [Disabled | Every 2m | 5m | 15m | 30m | 60m]
This setting determines the frequency that the missed message notification repeats.

Repeat Times: [Infinite | 3 times | 5 times | 10 times | 15 times | 30 times]
This setting determines how long the notification repeat will run until cleared.


The following are found in the Email App Preferences & Accounts.

To configure per account notification settings shown below, tap on an account, then tap Preferences.

New Message

Blink Notification: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the blink notification will be on or off when you have received an email.

Show Notification: [On | Off]
This setting determines whether or not the additional Notification options are available and whether or not the notification banner is used to notify about the received email.


Alert: [Vibrate | System Sound | Ringtone | Mute]
This setting determines the how you will be alerted when an email message is received. If you select Ringtone, you will be presented with another field to tap in which you can select a custom alert sound.

Vibration: [Short (0.5s) | Medium (1.0s) | Long (1.5s)]
This setting determines the duration of the vibration when an email message is received.

Repeat: [Disabled | Every 2m | 5m | 15m | 30m | 60m]
This setting determines the frequency that the missed email notification repeats.

Repeat Times: [Infinite | 3 times | 5 times | 10 times | 15 times | 30 times]
This setting determines how long the notification repeat will run until cleared.


Unknown Contacts
The following contact preferences can be found under the App Menu in the Contacts App.

Unknown Contacts

Blocked Numbers: [Yes | No]
This setting determines whether or not the Phone Call and SMS Message settings below are applied to blocked numbers.

Unknown Numbers: [Yes | No]
This setting determines whether or not the Phone Call and SMS Message settings below are applied to unknown numbers.

Phone Call

Action: [Do Nothing | Auto Hang Up | Direct to Voicemail]
This setting determines the action for an incoming call from blocked and/or unknown numbers. If Do Nothing is selected, you can then chose to assign a custom ringtone for calls coming from blocked and/or unknown numbers.

Ringtone: [Use Default | Set Ringtone]
This setting determines whether or not the system ringtone or a custom ringtone is configured for when a blocked and/or unknown contact calls you.

SMS Message

Ringtone: [Use Default | Set Ringtone]
This setting determines whether or not the system ringtone or a custom ringtone is configured for when a blocked and/or unknown contact sends you a text/sms message.

Individual Contacts
The following contact preferences can be found under the App Menu for each contact.

Phone Call

Action: [Do Nothing | Auto Hang Up | Direct to Voicemail]
This setting determines the action for an incoming call from that contact. If Do Nothing is selected, you can then chose to assign a custom ringtone to this contact.

Ringtone: [Use Default | Set Ringtone]
This setting determines whether or not the system ringtone or a custom ringtone is configured for when this contact calls you.

SMS Message

Ringtone: [Use Default | Set Ringtone]
This setting determines whether or not the system ringtone or a custom ringtone is configured for when this contact sends you a text/sms message.

Location Services

GPS Radio & Google Services Toggle: [On | Off]
This setting has been added to the header of Location Services to simultaneously enable/disable Location Services (GPS Radio & Google Services).


The Wi-Fi Preferences have been modified to allow displaying of all saved networks. In order for this preference to be enabled, you must remove all current networks and recreate them. Once they are recreated, all saved networks will be shown in the Choose A Network list even when out of range of said networks.

Troubleshooting (FAQ)

More information coming soon.

Q: I followed the steps outlined on this wiki to install one of the Advanced Configuration patches. Do I need to do that all over again to install the other Advanced Configuration patch?
A: No, however, if you run into issues trying to install the other Advanced Configuration patch, your first course of action would be to follow the steps over, then install both Advanced Configuration patches one right after the other. If you decide to proceed with the installation of the other Advanced Configuration patch, you should remove any other patch that provides the same/similar functionality as the Advanced Configuration patch you would be attempting to install. If you are also using a theme, you might have to remove your theme prior to installing/updating if the theme happens to modify the same files as the patches. (Again, the recommended/preferred method would be to follow the steps outlined on the wiki.)

Q: Why am I unable to update to the latest version of the patch?
A: Check the Status section of the wiki for recently added features. Chances are you have another patch installed that provides the same/similar functionality. You would need to remove that patch first before updating. Another area to check would be the opening Summary section of the wiki. There too is information regarding what the patch does/is about. That could help you determine what other patch you would have to remove prior to updating. If you are also using a theme, you might have to remove your theme prior to installing/updating if the theme happens to modify the same files as the patches.


Supporting Development

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Advanced Configuration for App Launcher

Advanced Configuration for System Preferences


Advanced Configuration for App Launcher

Current Release

1.4.5-73 - (Released Sept. 26th, 2010)


1.4.5-73 - (Released Sept. 26th, 2010)

  • Fixed bug with page wrapping + backswipe not updating page header.
  • Changed backswipe logic to "toggle" between last active and current page.
  • Disabled backswipe app launcher closing (use up swipe for that).

1.4.5-72 - (Released Sept. 25th, 2010)

  • Fixed bug with tabs showing on top of universal search in some situations.
  • Added backswipe logic, swipe once to get to previous page after page jump.

1.4.5-69 - (Released Sept. 21th, 2010)

  • Reset page position is now done also on app launcher activation.
  • Fixed bug with active tab not updating on some situations when using tabs.
  • Added ability to disable page animation without wrapping when jumping to page.

1.4.5-67 - (Released Sept. 18th, 2010)

  • Unhiding QL on reorder is now done so that it works also when reorder starts from bottom row.

1.4.5-65 - (Released Sept. 16th, 2010)

  • Preference scene is now closed also when closing launcher.
  • Added configuration option for unhiding QL when reordering apps.
  • Added confirmation dialogs for deleting apps.

1.4.5-64 - (Released Sept. 15th, 2010)

  • Fixed bug with page selection failing for the first time after enabling page header.
  • Added showing of Quick Launch when reordering icons (if it is hidden).
Advanced Configuration for System Preferences

Current Releases

1.4.5-89 (both) - (Released Oct. 18, 2010)


1.4.5-89 (both) - (Released Oct. 18, 2010)

  • Fixed bug with some default values when no existing configuration
  • Simplified the message sender identification process

1.4.5-86 (both) - (Released Oct. 15, 2010)

  • Fixed bug with charger notification when no existing configuration
  • Fixed bug with notification repeat time limit not used
  • Fixed bug with ghost notifications on certain situation
  • Fixed bug with messaging composition where one space was added to the text automatically

1.4.5-85 (world) - (Released Oct. 15, 2010)

  • Initial release of international version of the patch (no translations yet)

1.4.5-83 - (Released Oct. 14, 2010)

  • Fixed the greeting/signature fields to be editable
  • Fixed power button not controlling screen even the option was set to do nothing (i.e. normal operation)
  • Fixed messaging app not behaving properly when SMS preferences was not saved
  • Fixed the power button not working after disconnect problem

1.4.5-80 - (Released Oct. 12, 2010)

  • Makes call duration visible in call log (needs re-saving of phone prefs)
  • Fixed bug with IM notifications using vibrate even other alert method was configured
  • Fixed repeat notification bug that caused "ghost" notifications for messaging
  • Fixed bug with SMS account preferences getting messed up in certain situation
  • Fixed message draft setting to be also in effect on when composing new message
  • Updated the active call app menu to have the new item names
  • Added the show call log into app menu while on call
  • Added possibility to set call log as default view while on call
  • Added messaging signature configuration for sms/mms messages
  • Added possibility to set ringtone for low battery / charger alert
  • Added configurable power button action for disconnecting call
  • Added setting ringtone/sms tone/automatic action for unknown/blocked callers
  • Cleaned up the extra vibration behavior and added disable option for it

1.4.5-75 - (Released Oct. 4, 2010)

  • Added auto reply on call rejection feature
  • SMS account ringtone can now actually be set
  • MMS messages now use the SMS notification settings instead of defaults
  • Fixed display proximity sensor to be not active when its not enabled
  • Fixed messaging notification not using system alert instead of notification sound

1.4.5-74 - (Released Oct. 3, 2010)

  • Initial Release

Future Releases

  • Enable call rejecting with power button when the option is set to hang up
  • Fine tune the proximity speakerphone feature so that the delay is only used when answering normally to the call, when answered while phone on desk (or similar position) or taken away from ear there is no delay.
  • Notification silencing while on call
  • Screen control setting when on charger (on/off and on/locked/off for TS)
  • ? Additional per contact settings such as auto reply / notification repeats
  • ? Separate on call view for incoming/outgoing calls
  • ? Screen state control of notification repeats
  • ? Configuration for notification sound while on call
  • ? Per contact sms notification setting
  • ? Add action for power button to turn off screen when on call
  • The current way the global location service on/off toggle works is that it turns all off and then on, but it might be better if it would remember what the settings was before turning everything off so when turning back on you would get the settings that you had.