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The signal in my office isn't great and due to the Pre's poor tower handling abilities right now (soon to be updated via software, I hope, Palm?) I do get several dropped calls a week.  Which is annoying in and of itself but even worse it plays this ridiculous alert tone that taunts you into throwing the phone against the nearest wall, seconds after the call is dropped.  I needed this removed ASAP.
#Redirect [[Disable Missed-Dropped Call Sound]]
I used the link [http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Turn_Off_Missed_Call_Sound Turn Off Missed Call Sound] as a starting point.
1. Gain access to linux, remount as writable and always backup:
mount -o remount rw, /
cp /usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.phone/app/controllers/announcer-assistant.js /usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.phone/app/controllers/announcer-assistant.js.bak</nowiki></pre>
2. Look for this line QDLogger.log( "announceDisconnectAbnormal" (line 743 on WebOS 1.1 - it's not the first occurrence of this line.
3. A few lines below that it shows:
                                        lightweight: true,
                                        applicationStylesheets: ["stylesheets/ph
                                        name: stageName,
                                        "height": height,
                                        soundclass: "alerts"</nowiki></pre>
4. Change "alerts" to "none"
                                        lightweight: true,
                                        applicationStylesheets: ["stylesheets/ph
                                        name: stageName,
                                        "height": height,
                                        soundclass: "none"</nowiki></pre>
5. Save and quit vi<br>
6. I always reboot after every mod

Revision as of 17:08, 31 July 2009