Difference between revisions of "Talk:UbuntuChroot"

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(Created page with "The process of extracting the rootfs archive can be done without copying the file to the device: novacom -s run "file:///bin/tar zxvf - -C /media/ext3fs/ubuntu" < armel-rootfs-...")
Line 2: Line 2:
  novacom -s run "file:///bin/tar zxvf - -C /media/ext3fs/ubuntu" < armel-rootfs-201107071349.tgz
  novacom -s run "file:///bin/tar zxvf - -C /media/ext3fs/ubuntu" < armel-rootfs-201107071349.tgz
==The easiest/safest way to wipe your install if using a file image==

Latest revision as of 06:47, 29 September 2011

The process of extracting the rootfs archive can be done without copying the file to the device:

novacom -s run "file:///bin/tar zxvf - -C /media/ext3fs/ubuntu" < armel-rootfs-201107071349.tgz

The easiest/safest way to wipe your install if using a file image