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== Contact ==
== Contact ==
Follow me on Twitter [http://twitter.com/modeswitcher @modeswitcher]!
Follow me on Twitter [http://twitter.com/modeswitcher @modeswitcher]

Revision as of 16:58, 28 March 2011

Support Development

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Follow me on Twitter @modeswitcher



[Application] Mode Switcher

Mode Switcher is a webOS application that brings profile support to your device in the form of "modes”.

Forum Thread (MS 1.x) / Forum Thread (MS 2.x) / Wiki / Bug Reports / Feature Requests


[Patch] Advanced System Preferences

The Advanced System Prefs patches are a handful of highly customizable patches for webOS 2.x and later.

The Advanced System Prefs patches have been designed to give you many more options and preference in each corresponding app that can be customized to your liking. Having all of the Advanced System Prefs patches installed will give the best overall experience; however, you can choose to install just the patch you want. Utilizing all or some of the patches and their functionality will not affect the performance of your device.

Forum Thread / Wiki / Bug Reports / Feature Requests

[Patch] Advanced System Menus

The Advanced System Menus patches are a handful of highly customizable patches for webOS 2.x and later.

The Advanced System Menus patches have been designed to give a consistent look and feel across the webOS top bar.

Forum Thread / Wiki / Bug Reports / Feature Requests

[Patch] Advanced System Behaviors

The Advanced Systems Behavior patch is a powerful patch available for webOS 2.x and later.

The Advanced Systems Behavior patch has been designed to try and give webOS a more consistent and standardized feel. In addition, the Advanced Systems Behavior patch adds some unique/custom functionality to webOS that you may find useful.

Forum Thread / Wiki / Bug Reports / Feature Requests