Difference between revisions of "Application:WIRC"

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|version=Version: Alpha 0.0.1
|version=Version: 0.3.5
<!-- Wirc-server-status.png -->
Here are some files for people to test, the versions will not be bumped but the packages will get updated. Don't ask if you have the latest, just download them again if you are curious.
== Summary ==
{{icon|Icon_WebOSInternals_wIRC.png|float:right;}}wIRC is a Mojo IRC client. The WebOS-Internals team uses IRC as its primary communications channel, and Palm staff participate in IRC as well.  wIRC provides a way for us to stay connected to the team while away from our desktops.
Come to #wirc on freenode for help, don't ask for help in #webos-internals
== Support ==
If you have reports about issues or bugs or wants or design please contact oil, PuffTheMagic, or egaudet on freenode.net irc in the #wirc or #webos-internals channel.
We also have a bug tracker: [http://redmine.webos-internals.org/projects/wirc/issues Redmine].
== Summary ==
wIRC and wIRCd (its service)
== Usage ==
* Nick Auto Complete:
** After typing some of the nick, hold the gesture area, and press the orange button.
** If not the right nick, keep holding the gesture area, and press the orange button again.
* Command History:
** Hold the gesture area and press the Q or A buttons to go through the list
=== Current TODO List ===
* Get Links to work (you have the script).
* Text entry area keep focus
* show dialog to op/voice/etc when tapping on nick in nicklist
* orange+tap on nicklist spawns query
* better nick hilighting
* add loose focus marker in channels
* ^^ Add an option to add "Highlight words" (Example: I like to have dBsooner and dBsooner-work highlight)
* 10px default font size
* Make it actually connect over EVDO. (Service)
* make passing ports work (Service)
=== Completed TODO List ===
* Supported Commands:
* channel modes in channel header (DONE [[User:PuffTheMagic|PuffTheMagic]] 15:49, 31 October 2009 (UTC))
** /away
* fix NOTICE messages (DONE [[User:PuffTheMagic|PuffTheMagic]] 01:17, 2 November 2009 (UTC))
** /join, /j
* show nick list (DONE [[User:PuffTheMagic|PuffTheMagic]] 17:55, 1 November 2009 (UTC))
** /kick
* querys (DONE [[User:PuffTheMagic|PuffTheMagic]] 17:55, 1 November 2009 (UTC))
** /list
* add "perform on connect" support (DONE --[[User:Oil|oil]] 10:01, 2 November 2009 (UTC))
** /me
* tab complete (DONE [[User:PuffTheMagic|PuffTheMagic]] 01:17, 2 November 2009 (UTC))
** /mode
* auto nick hilighting (DONE [[User:PuffTheMagic|PuffTheMagic]] 16:35, 2 November 2009 (UTC))
** /nick
* add support for numbers and hyphens in nicks (DONE [[User:PuffTheMagic|PuffTheMagic]] 14:35, 1 November 2009 (UTC))
** /part, /leave
* escape quotes in params when service sends it to client (DONE [[User:PuffTheMagic|PuffTheMagic]] 06:42, 1 November 2009 (UTC))
** /query, /msg, /ns, /authserv
** /quit
** /topic
** /whois
** /notice
** /raw, /quote
** /ping

Latest revision as of 19:52, 3 January 2011

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wIRC - Version: 0.3.5


Icon WebOSInternals wIRC.png

wIRC is a Mojo IRC client. The WebOS-Internals team uses IRC as its primary communications channel, and Palm staff participate in IRC as well. wIRC provides a way for us to stay connected to the team while away from our desktops.


If you have reports about issues or bugs or wants or design please contact oil, PuffTheMagic, or egaudet on freenode.net irc in the #wirc or #webos-internals channel.

We also have a bug tracker: Redmine.


  • Nick Auto Complete:
    • After typing some of the nick, hold the gesture area, and press the orange button.
    • If not the right nick, keep holding the gesture area, and press the orange button again.
  • Command History:
    • Hold the gesture area and press the Q or A buttons to go through the list

  • Supported Commands:
    • /away
    • /join, /j
    • /kick
    • /list
    • /me
    • /mode
    • /nick
    • /part, /leave
    • /query, /msg, /ns, /authserv
    • /quit
    • /topic
    • /whois
    • /notice
    • /raw, /quote
    • /ping