Talk:Backing Up via Rsync

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Rsync Daemon

Why turn on the rsync daemon at all? This could easily be accomplished simply by running

rsync -HrlptgoDPvvS --force --delete --del --stats -e ssh root@IPADDRESS:/ /media/pre-backup/

Also, since -P includes --progress, there's no reason to call it a second time.


We don't have a root password set up on the Pre, it's using sudo therefore that's why ssh won't work. Rsyncd.conf gives the rsync daemon root privileges so it can mirror the device. I'm be open to suggestions, but I'm trying to make this fit in with the next steps guide and limit the number of steps.

Thanks for pointing out the redundancy on --progress.


Ahhh yes. I keep forgetting that not everyone set up keys for root access.


Pre Rebooting Issue

If you don't exclude some of the directories then the Pre reboots when the backup process touches them. -hmagoo

Can you specify which files/directories prompt the reboot? -hopspitfire 02:57, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
I could narrow it down to proc and/or sys, that's narrow enough for me to exclude both, any progress on restore testing? I'm not running an emulator. -hmagoo