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Revision as of 00:30, 21 February 2012

Please be careful when following the instructions on this page. They are entirely from memory. If you'd like assistance along the way, have a specific reason for wanting to run mysqld, and are knowledgeable enough about linux/WebOS to help me help you work remotely on any issues that arise, I can be reached at cerealklr@<humans.should.remove.this.token>gmail.com. This guide assumes mysqld and its dependencies have already been installed, and that you are operating in a debian based chroot.

  • Create the user 'mysql' for the daemon to run as.
    • Create the user itself.
      adduser --system mysql
    • Create a group for the user.
      addgroup --system mysql
    • Add the user to the group.
      adduser mysql mysql
  • Create boilerplate my mysql's locking mechanisms.
    • Create its /var/run directory.
      mkdir /var/run/mysqld
    • Create the socket lock file.
      touch /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
  • Install the database

If the above does not work, I've forgotten a step. Please email your terminal log to me so I can figure out what I forgot and amend the wiki.